The Adventure Of The German Student English Literature Essay
Published: 23, March 2015
There are multiple ways to analyze a literary work, through the basis of the critical approaches. The reader can select any of them in order to analyze his or her piece of work. Particularly in order to analyze this story I am going to use the Psychological approach.
Washington Irving´s story, "The Adventure Of The German Student", was the one that attracted me the most, because of its enrichment content about the functioning of human´s brain, and also, about the strong influence that an unpleasant environment has in people´s interpersonal relationships, and how this situation can produce a serious damage in anyone´s mental health.
"The Adventure Of The German Student" shows us how society and social movements can interfere in people´s normal behavior and personality. As we are by nature a social being, we cannot avoid interactions with others, as well as we cannot avoid being influenced by social events.
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Irving´s story tries to focus our attention on a strong socio-political and even religious event which occurred in France between the years (1789-1799) that it is well known as "The French Revolution", besides he does not leave behind the reaction of the story´s principal character Gottfried Wolfgang who was surprised and ready to discover a little more about this new city and that revolution that was on its height. Throughout the story´s development it becomes evident Wolfgang´s unreasonable behavior which was accompanied by a degraded state of mind that was increasing at the time the story was developing, finding himself in an awful situation at the end of the story which leads him to spend his life in a madhouse.
This story begins giving us a brief orientation about which is going to be the plot in where the story will be developed. This first paragraph gives us important information that will lead us to better understand the story and to be more familiarized with the events that will be involved on it. At the end of this first paragraph the narrator stops the narration, and there is an intervention of the story´s writer who considers important to reveal the type of life that the principal character of the story "Gottfried Wolfgang" had before going to Paris, by saying: "-but I should first tell you something about this young German".
Gottfried Wolfgang is presented as a "young German man of good family" also as a "visionary" and "enthusiastic" character; these qualities are common in young people, especially in those who are studying and throughout the acquisition of knowledge they also acquire new ways to perceive the world.
Studies are productive, but is there any possibility to become nuts after studying so hard? The answer might be relative, but it is important to say that the capacity of human´s brain is endless, and that there is a discipline named Psychology which its principal role is to analyze human behavior, as well as, motivation, personality and interpersonal relationships.