people talk about the seven wonders of the world, and I'd like to talk about the eightth one which is Mecca.
Mecca is the first holy place and the second direction for all muslims. the rise of mecca as a city started after the discovery of zamzam water by the mother af arab Hajar peace be upon her.
God blessed it with having kaaba that had been built with the holy black stone. The Holy Quran commands us to perform the pilgrimage every year. Muslims of every country of different races and levels stand side by side equally to obey what God asks.
many things make this place more special than others, first, it's considered to be one of the most ancient places in the world. second, the black stone. third, the foot prints of the prophet Ibrahim.
fourth, the continuous and the unending gathering of people around it to perform the islamic rituals. last, the doubled rewards of every pray and good affair done by the inhabitants and the visitors.
Mecca has its unique atmosphere of worshipping, it gives the person the impression of being more connected to God.
I enjoyed my stay there and i was wondering if there's such a place exists in this world.
I feel i'm lucky because of being able to visit it and wandering round it.
thank you