Overcoming resistance to change
Resistance to change can be diffi cult to overcome even when it is not detrimental to those concerned. But the attempt must be made. The fi rst step is to analyse the potential impact of change by considering how it will affect people in their jobs. The reasons for resisting change set out above can be used as a checklist of where there may be problems, generally, with groups or with individuals.
The analysis should indicate what aspects of the proposed change may be supported generally or by specifi ed individuals and which aspects may be resisted. So far as possible, the potentially hostile or negative reactions of people and the reasons for them should be identifi ed. It is necessary to try to understand the likely feelings and fears of those affected so that unnecessary worries can be relieved and, as far as possible, ambiguities can be resolved. In making this analysis, the individual introducing the change – the change agent – should recognize that new ideas are likely to be suspect and should make ample provision for the discussion of reactions to proposals to ensure complete understanding of them.