Arriving home, Aziz finds a formal note from Fielding, forwarded from Godbole, announcing the arrival of himself, his wife, and his brother‑in‑law. The note, like all notes from visiting Englishmen, asks for specific amenities and advice. Aziz tears up the note.
Summary: Chapter XXXV
In Aziz’s garden lies part of a shrine in honor of a young Muslim saint who once freed all the prisoners in the local fort before the police beheaded him. Aziz has come to associate the saint with his own time in prison, and to appreciate the shrine.
The morning after receiving Fielding’s note, Aziz walks with his children to the other section of the shrine, which lies a short distance from their house. Aziz and the children wander through the small shrine and adjoining mosque, and then admire the view from the old fort. It is the rainy season and the water tanks are full, promising a good crop to come.
A line of prisoners walks nearby. The children ask the prisoners which of them will be freed that night during the traditional Hindu procession of the Chief God. The Chief God moves through town, stops at the jail, and pardons one prisoner. The low‑caste prisoners politely discuss the matter with Aziz’s family. The prison guard asks Aziz about the Rajah’s health. Aziz says that the Rajah’s condition has been improving, though in reality the Rajah died the night before. Aziz is to keep the Rajah’s death a secret until the -festivities end.
Aziz’s children notice that Fielding and his brother‑in‑law are climbing up the ridge to the shrine. The two men enter the shrine, but a swarm of bees chases them out. Fielding’s brother‑in‑law is stung, and Aziz walks over to attend to the wound. Fielding, in an unfriendly tone of voice, asks Aziz why he never responded to any of his letters. Suddenly, heavy rain begins to fall, and they hurry down to the road to Fielding’s carriage.
Aziz helps the others into the carriage, referring to Fielding’s brother-in-law as “Mr. Quested.” Fielding is shocked, for he married Mrs. Moore’s daughter, Stella, not Adela Quested—thus the brother-in-law is Mr. Moore. Aziz is suddenly embarrassed and elated. Fielding realizes the mistake that has caused Aziz’s unfriendliness. With little sympathy, Fielding blames the mix-up on Mahmoud Ali, who knew that Fielding married Stella. Fielding explains that Mahmoud Ali even referred to her as “Heaslop’s sister” in a letter. The name Heaslop infuriates Aziz, who is already angry at the realization of his mistake.
ziz asks Fielding not to visit him while in Mau. Aziz explains that he still feels almost as betrayed as if Fielding had actually married his enemy and taken what should have been his reparation money. On the other hand, Aziz forgives Mahmoud Ali all things because Mahmoud Ali loved him. Aziz gathers his children around him and states in Urdu that he wishes no Englishman or Englishwoman to be his friend. Aziz returns home feeling excited.