تم نشره في 04/12/2012Bijal and Baa wonder why Bharti is suddenly so loving towards Mona. Mona is surprised when Anukalp decides to find a good match for Hetal from online matrimonial sites. Mona asks Anukalp if he knows what kind of a boy Hetal wants. Mona tells him that he should take some time out and find out what qualities Hetal expects in her partner. Anukalp realizes that Mona is right. Anukalp asks Hetal what kind of life partner she wants. Anukalp assures Hetal that he will make sure she marries the man she wants. Hetal apologises Mona for having misunderstood her. Next morning, Bharti tells Mona to take care of the house as she is going to the temple. Mona tells Hetal and Sejal that they should enjoy the day as Bharti is not at home. The kids of the vicinity call Mona join them as it is 'Holi'. Anukalp wonders where Mona and others are. Bijal and Jayesh are surprised when they see Mona collecting donation for 'Holi' celebrations. Bijal tries to stop them. Gurnaam tells Anukalp to join the celebrations too. Hetal teases Karan that he cannot dance. Anukalp, Mona, Sejal and Hetal dance with kids in their vicinity. Mona is happy to see Hetal and Karan together. Everyone stops when Bharti arrives. Bharti is shocked to see everybody dancing on the streets. Mona, Anukalp and Hetal also panic when they see Bharti. Bharti scolds Hetal, Sejal and Mona for behaving so cheaply. Bharti berates even Bijal and Jayesh. Bharti tells them that they will have to be punished and declares that no one will celebrate 'Holi' in their house.
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