Once upon a time, there was an old man who would come out of his huge house and drive his expensive car. Since I was working for him as a janitor. I felt obliged to greet him every time he passed by. However, to my surprise he would never greet me back and instead just looked at me. One day he saw me picking up a bag of food leftovers from the street and as always he didn't say a word. The second day I found a bag full of food,fresh vegetables and fruit. I thought that perhaps someone forgot it by mistake. I took it at home and my family was so happy to have proper food for the first time. The following day, the same thing happened and I saw a bag of food again so I thought who would be so stupid to forget his bag again in front of our door step. Deep inside I was glad to have this bag so that my children and wife can taste real food. This incidence kept repeating everyday and without asking I would take the bag thankfully. Suddenly, the old man passed away and his family was in deep sorrow. The following morning the unusual occurred,there weren't any bags of food ! I thought that maybe we will receive something the following day, but to my disappointment, there wasn't any sign of bags. The days passed by and our financial situation worsened so I decided to speak to the old man's wife to ask her for an increase in my salary. She was surprised by my request, and asked me for the reason because I have never asked for an increase before. I had no choice but to tell her the story of the mysterious bag. When she questioned me about the duration and when it stopped, we came to the conclusion that it was the old man who was behind the delivery of bags. The man who I remembered as the one who never greeted me back. The second morning, his son came to my front door and gave me some bags of food. My eyes were in tears and I couldn't utter a word. Then as he walked to his car, I said,"thank you sir." He didn't respond, so I raised my voice and shouted, "Thank You Sir!" This time he turned back and replied,"Oh your welcome, sorry I didn't hear you the first time. I have a hearing impairment as my father, we can't hear people properly." It was then that I understood why the old man didn't greet me back.
Moral of the story: Don't judge people or people's actions and jump into conclusions. Give them a chance and get to know them and the reason behind their actions.