• The oil in both side bearing chambers of the turbocharger was found intact.
• The sight glass of the TE bearing cover was found damaged due to fire and the fire fumes have entered inside the bearing chamber.
• The rotor was not rotating freely. No visual damage was observed on the rotor.
• Crack observed on the Gas outlet casting. The crack may be developed due to the thermal stress created due to fire on the turbocharger. Gas outlet casing is to be replaced.
• Breather plate on the Gas inlet casing was found damaged due to the fire. Same is to be replaced.
Based on the above remarks and observation done during the inspection of the turbocharger, there has been no evidence of fire originating from the turbocharger.
Recommended to send the rotor for balancing. Also the Gas inlet casing, nozzle ring and cover ring to be send to ABB workshop for cleaning and inspection.
The final list of spares required for assembly of turbocharger would be provided on inspection of the rotor in the workshop.