The policies and actions of the project management and administrators associated
with a highway project will have a great effect on the safety outcomes of the project. This
research focuses on the project management and administrative functions involved in
transportation projects. Therefore, this research utilizes the literature review as a method to
define the process by which transportation design and construction projects are managed.
The approach of this chapter is to create a baseline for the understanding of theterms
required to fully create and implement a formal risk management program for all stages of
the project lifecycle by project managers and project administrators followed by a review of
past research in the area of risk management in projects involving work zone safety in order
to establish the point of departure for this project. Although this dissertation is primarily
concerned with the mitigation of work zone accidents and fatalities, it was the goal of the
research to keep the format of risk management in general terms in order for agencies and
individuals to use the proposed risk management model to manage multiple project risks.
Therefore, the literature review is utilized to create a risk management model by defining
concepts in terms that apply to the design and construction industry as a whole and not
exclusively to highway projects. The validation and application of the model presented in this
dissertation is based exclusively on input from highway sector professionals and highway
crash data and is therefore applicable specifically to that industry. Once the framework has
been developed for an integrated risk management program, the desired risk categorymay be