4 TH FLOOR, HSBC Bank Building
Mutrah Business District
P.O Box 641
P.C 112
Sultanate of Oman
Tel + 96824709181
Fax + 96824700839
Private and confidential
Mr. Abdullah Salim Al Araimi
Secretary of the Commercial Register
Ministry of Commerce and Industries
P.O. Box 550, P.C 113
Sultanate of Oman
5 October 2016 PC/MS/MTA/SB/72269102016
After Compliments
Aitken Spence Resorts (Middle East) LLC (“the Company”)
Conversion of loan into share capital from Aiten Spence Hotels International (Pvt).
Limited (“the Parent Company)
We are writing at the Management’s request to provide certain information which will be presented in the Company’s financial statements for the year ending 31 March 2017.
We have been appointed as the external auditors of the Company by way of our engagement letter, reference no. PC/MS/MTA/SB/72269102016 dated 3 May 2016. The provision of this letter is governed by the terms and conditions set out in that letter.
Based on the resolution passed by the Shareholders on 28 September 2016, loan from the Parent Company of RO 7,099.678 will be converted into share capital. Accordingly, it will be disclosed as share capital in the financial statements of the Company for the year enfing 31 March 2017.
This letter is not to be distributed to any third party other than the Ministry of Ckommerce and Industry of the Sultanate of Oman; and we accept no liability or responsibility to any third party.
Yours faithfully