Our Emirati heritage and culture continue to have a positive impact on every aspect of our lives.
Based on our past experience as a people, we understand how to overcome challenges. Not long ago, for our Bedouin forefathers, their focus was on the pursuit of food and water. For them, every day was a struggle. Today, we need to address very different challenges but, thanks to our past, we know those challenges can be overcome.
Emirati culture and heritage, and our values as a people, still inform our daily lives. Today, for example, the majlis is as important a place for the community to meet and discuss.
My passion for falconry, fishing, camels and Nabati poetry are all important in my culture and heritage, and so too is my love for horses and everything equestrian. These things come from my roots and, alongside my family values, keep me grounded and balanced in life.
Today’s Dubai is a model cosmopolitan city. That said, we continue to live in the desert, which remains the harsh environment it always has been, and it must be treated with care and respect – always with an eye on conserving our precious resources.
Thanks to our Bedouin heritage, Emiratis understand the importance of that balance. It is that deep understanding, gained from our desert birthright, which has allowed us to build the new Dubai. But our culture and heritage remain the heartbeat of the ?