النتائج (
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Gogetai think gogeta is stronger because 1. he wouldn't mess around he would go straight for the kill and also i would like to point out that 30 MINUTES IS PRETTY LONG IN THE DBZ UNIVERSE I MEAN COME ON PEOPLE DID EVERYONE FORGET ABOUT GOKU VS FRIEZA WHEN FRIEZA SAID THAT NAMEK WOULD BLOW UP IN 5 MINUTES AND THAT FIGHT LASTED LIKE 10 THROUGH 15 EPISODES AND VEGITO AND GOGETA CAN'T GO SUPER SAIYAN 4 DBGT WAS MADE JUST FOR GETTING MORE MONEY IT WAS NOT ACTUALLY IN THE MANGA SO DON'T SAY VEGITO COULD WIN JUST BECAUSE OF TIME LIMIT OF GOGETA 2. gogeta doesn't even flinch remember when he got punched by janemba he didn't even move he just stood there not even phased while vegito could take damage remember janemba is stronger then goku super saiyan 3 and vegeta they both got owned fast however with super buu gohan absorbed they were still good they didn't get out cold and weren't that beaten up as when they were fighting janemba so it kinda says janemba is stronger then super buu with gohan absorbed also i want to point out that elder kai said that the fusion type was only stronger then the fusion dance just because it didn't have a time limit and it was perminant but you forgot 30 minutes is a very long time in the dbz universe so yeah and gogeta starts as a super saiyan (or super saiyan 2 cause it looks like he is in that form) while vegito doesn't he starts in his normal form so through that period time gogeta has that adantage and that's why i think gogeta is strongerI think Vegito is slightly stronger than Gogeta.Piccolohan19 Talk Random? 04:39, April 8, 2012 (UTC)Contents[show]VegitoEdit by Don: Okay, so I have no idea why this person thinks that Super Vegito is as strong as a SSJ3. Even Gohan is above that, I mean, come on. And although we haven't seen Vegito go above SSJ, doesn't mean he can't. Now I'm not commenting on your opinion, just your stupidity. And just saying, rival boost also boosted Vegito's power as a pro-Vegito argument.I won't use time as a factor in this.Vegito is stronger because the fusion via Potara Earrings is stated to be the perfect fusion. While Goku and Vegeta fuse with the Potara Earrings they are perfectly fused, all of their techniques, their strength, their resilience, their speed, everything is perfect. When Goku and Vegeta fuse via fusion dance they immediately become Super Gogeta, which is Gogeta as a Super Saiyan. And if we can't factor GT into this, then Super Saiyan is they highest Gogeta can go. Now don't get me wrong, I know Vegito can only go up to Super Saiyan as well, but when Vegito goes Super Saiyan, becoming Super Vegito. In his Super Saiyan state Vegito's power is near or equal to Super Saiyan 3, whereas Super Gogeta is about as strong as Super Saiyan 2.This is actually a very tough debate. But, I'd say Vegito is stronger than Gogeta.I thing vegito because it is said that the potara earrings are said to make the perfect fusion. However this is only if we are going off of DBZ (which is the best one to go off of anyways) because as a super saiyan four gogeta would win but at the same level of super saiyan vegito is the winner.Good Debate tough choice to make.VEGITO IS FAR ABOVE GOGETAit,s vegito i will prove it to 1 when goku and vegeta fueses by fusion dance goku had to lower his power to mathc vegeta,s so goku=1000 and vegeta 600 but goku had to lower his power so goku=600 and vegeta=600+little boost of fusion = 100 so gogeta base power level = 1300 and vegito goku=1000 and vegeta=600 so 1600and potara are 1000x stronger than fusion dance and gives rival boost so vegito base =100750now vegito is more like goku and gogeta more like vegeta and goku is far above vegeta so now it has been proven that vegito>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>gogetaGoku and Vegeta are equal in the same level. Like they are even while SSJ2. And what you said about Potara being better is BS Yakon RenderSandubadearPui Pui Render 15:16, November 4, 2013 (UTC)Yeah goku and vegeta were both equal when fusing to make gogeta and vegito. And we don't even know how much the rival boost gives. Potara is definitely not 1000x stronger than fusion dance lol. I agree vegito is a little a stronger because of rival boost but almost everything else you said was completely wrong--Ssj3gogeta96 (talk) 15:44, November 4, 2013 (UTC)ssj3gogeta96Just because Goku is stronger, doesn't mean the Fusion would be affected. The whole "powering down" theory has already been refuted. If powering down DID put a toll on the power output, Goku would not sound so confident in defeating Buutenks when suggesting to fuse with Gohan, who BTW, is >>>>SSJ3 Goku. SuperGogeta91 (talk) 19:31, March 9, 2014 (UTC)I think that the fusion brought on by the ear rings is stronger than a fusion via "fusion dance". I think....I think Vegito would win this one just because of how the potara earings bring about the perfect fusion. Also seeing as how SSJ3 Goku and SSJ2 Vegeta had alot more trouble with
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