يكم عندى امتحان بكرة وتعبانة ساعدونى الله يخليكم يارب - العضوة سندريلا1984 هي صاحبة المشاركة
my dream job I have lots of dreams in the future and I'll be happy if it comes true,about my dream job. Well, to be honest, I do. I would like to be a writer. You can laugh but this is the truth. And it's not because of the money or the fame or to be recognised when I walk down the street; it's not about that. I don't care about that. I want to be a writer because I would love to tell stories to people, things that are inside my head, inside my heart. When I write, I feel free, I feel extremely good. I abandon my body and I fly, I travel. I travel to the world of my imagination where everything is good. There, in that world, there is no place for mean people or for sadness or for other feelings that are bad for us. Everything is so perfect that we really want to live there. I think the reason why there are so many people who don't like writing is because they don't know how to do it. When it turns on we can't let it turn off. We have to grab it and work on it. Once we grabbed the idea, other ideas will show up and it becomes easy to write a text or even a book. I believe that's the secret! And I'll try to do this everytime I want to write. But I don't believe that I could be a writer in the future. It's very hard to write books with quality.