The manager,
Bank Nizwa, Sohar branch,
Sohar, Sultanate Of Oman
Subject: Supervision of the house of Miss Faiza Nasir Khalfan Al-Hosnia, at plot no. 178, Multaqa Sohar,
Dear sir,
Reference to the caption subject, followings are the points observed during the site visit of the above mentioned site.
Physical Observations:
* General plaster of the walls was checked and found the cracks in most of the walls due to improper mixing and the mortar, ratio of the sand and cement is not as per specifications and water curing of the plaster is not done as required.
* There are cracks in the slabs of the rooms,
* Leakage of water and bitumen is observed through the cracks and cracks are widening with the passage of time.
* It was observed, where ever possible, that mixing of concrete was not done properly, segregation of concrete is visible.
* Concrete of the top cornice can be broken by hand.
Technical observations:
* As three samples of the concrete from different locations were taken from slabs for the tests in the well known laboratory
* Result of the tests is attached with the report.
* Considering the concrete of the slabs as lowest as M30, the minimum average strength of the concrete should be 30 (N/mm2).
* But the result of the laboratory shows the average strength of the samples as 13.8 (N/mm2)
If any query please contact us, meanwhile we remain.
Best regards,
Al-Furjar Engineering consultants
Sohar branch