Sunday morning we had just arrived in Johannesburg with Minnie. I asked the driver to drop us of at Sandton City then I'll take it from there. He surely did and Mpumi was already there with her daughter, Thembakazi. We shared a long hug then broke it.
Mpumi: you glowing
Me: haha glowing phi? glowing
Her: ungato dlalisa ,wanna have lunch before we check out your new place?
Me: actually I wanted to see the place first before I could move in
Her: okay cool,you'll follow me neh...
She said walking to a bike gasp emoticon what the hell is wrong with this girl?!
Me: hai Mpumi how the hell and I supposed to catch up to a bike?
Her: its not like I'll speed up through the streets
Me: you crazy !
She laughed.
Her: its sexy you like it?
Me: I really don't, really
Her: fine ke,drive the kids and I'll go alone.
Me: Thembakazi rides ? Mpumi!
Her: relaxa okay! Ligintsa lomntana
I shook my head and got inside the car,making sure Minnie is buckled up.
We got to Maboneng and it was not so bad,couldn't complain because I was in love with the view and roof top. I was gonna move in immediately though because it was okay. I had my bags in and then left with Mpumi to have lunch.
Mpumi: you look troubled ,what's wrong?
Me: you won't believe what I'm about to tell you
Her: what is it ?
Me: Lu is alive
Her: Lungisa?
I nodded
Her: tf!
Me: same reaction I had
Her: yoh yoh you gotta be kidding baby daddy is back from the dead?
Me: baby daddy was never even taken to the dead
Her: heee Daily Sun niphi na? I have juicy news
She said chuckling, digging in her bag.
Me: this ain't no joke yaz .
She saw how serious I was and her facial expressions changed.
Her: no way! So where he at?
Me: Texas...
Her: so what you gonna do?
Me: things are so complicated right now and I'm tryna get a break and reduce the stress
Her: you're not gonna look for him?
Me: I think of that butbtgen again ngizomtholaphi?
Her: neh...but then again who told you all this? This is crazy!
I explained to her the Mbali situation and how I think Jaden is involved.
Her: aah chom ,you know how to find him mos
Me: how?
Her: I'm not gonna tell you,you're way too smart
I huffed and looked at her once then at my baby...
That evening I went to my flat and as empty as it was I opened a bottle of champagne and sat on the floor and drank up while my baby was asleep in her pram. My phone beeped in my bag,I took it and it was a message from an unknown number. I opened and read the message " Hey Thando,I love and miss you...please kiss my daughter for me" my jaw dropped gasp emoticon and my heart started beating way out of my chest. I think I knew who sent the message but at the same time I didn't want to be excited since Jaden or Mbali can pull off the stunt just to make me believe them or make me hopeful. I lied down as if I was dead,I stared at the ceiling feeling dizzy or probably tipsy...
I was woken up by a cry, I realized I had been sleeping on the floor and my body was aching. I got up and checked my baby and she was just restless. I calmed her down then went to the bathroom to wash my face. I planned to get my furniture as soon as tomorrow, so I texted Mpumi to ask her to accompany me. It was early around 1am so she was gonna see it the next morning.
I changed my baby into something comfortable and lighter then made her sleep just next to me on the floor.
The next couple of days I had settled in well here and I was getting on very well with the environment, the people and my baby. I had to accept now that I was a full time mother and that I'm no longer in school, it still hurt me everyday but Minenhle brought the smile on my face.
It was a Sunday morning and I woke up early around 6 am ,made myself a cup of coffee then went to the roof top ngahlala on one of the chairs there and watched as the sun shone and listening to the cars that were roaming around. Mpumi called.
Me: ma du-Pont ?
Her: I hope I didn't wake you up
Me: no of course not,I'm awake
Her: my twin sister is having a house warming party so would please come with me?
Me: ha.a Mpumi
Her: have been spending time with your baby and now you completely forgot you have a life
Me: my baby is my life
Her: oh please you need to get yourself a man now
Me: a man? Are you serious? He he uyahlanya wena
Her: its been 5 months now since your man died
Me: Mpumi please man
Her: okay ke please come and let's have a blast
Me: no problem ke you'll come fetch me ,I'll see what I can do with Minnie
Her: you can bring her along
Me: okay fine bye
I hung up, and went inside the house to start cleaning. I did so and in the middle of it Minenhle woke up...
Later during the day I recieved a call from Jaden,I picked up anyway I had nothing to do I was just bored
Me: Jay
Him: how you babe?
Me: I'm bored and you?
Him: haha having the time of my life
Me: #giggles awusangi chomiseli
Him: well am bored as well ,just fooling around with you
Me: so you good?
Him: yeah I am good,I miss you
Me: I miss you too
Him: you don't mean it
Me: I really do
Him: so uhlala kuphi?
Me: I'm in Maboneng
Him: oh I see,well i wanted us to discuss the house issue
Me: can we not please yoh I need a break in my life
Him: but babe you have your break I just want the house then that's that
Me: okay we shall arrange a meeting
Him: no prob then
We spoke for a while. and when it was around 5pm I changed my baby into something else after feeding her then sreaaed up in my black leather leggings , with black tank top and black sequence jacket. I had on black platform wedges with gold spikes. Mpumi arrived while I was still packing a bag for my child.
Her: young mommy
Me: hey sweety
We kissed briefly and she threw herself on my couch exhaling.
Her: you ready?
Me: yep!
I took the bag as she carried Minnie with her to the car...
We got to the place and it wa getting filled,people were already there. Her sister's house was big and so was the yard so we chilled out having some drinks. Mpumi went in the house,it was getting chilly sonibtook my baby with me to the car. As we were sitting listening someone soft music on the background there was a knock on the windows ,I turned and to my surprise it was Anathi.
I opened the door for him wangena.
Me: haw Mr Lawyer
Him: hey beautiful,watchu doing here
Me: well the weather is too chilly for the baby
Him: I saw you inside
Me: oh uyabazi abantu ba la?
Him: yes Bongani is my friend
Me: and who's that?
Him: the owner of the house
Me: oh I see
Him: so uzohlala apha till?
Me: uhm...until Mpumi decides she wants to go
Him: kutheni ungaxeli ufuna ukugoduka
Me: I can't kill her vibe I'll wait
Him: how about I sit with you
Me: ah noh I don't think that's a great idea.
Him: why? I mean we could chat all night and have our own good time
I giggled and shook my head
Him: let me go and actually hala at my buddies then I'll be back with our drinks neh
Me: Anathi you don't really have to
Him: I want to
He said boldly then walked out,closing the door and winked at me. I giggled while watching him walk away.....
النتائج (
العربية) 1:
صباح اليوم الأحد وقد وصلنا فقط في جوهانسبرغ مع ميني. سألت السائق بإسقاط لنا في مدينة ساندتون، ثم أنا اعتبر من هناك. أنه بالتأكيد ومبومي بالفعل هناك مع ابنتها، ثيمباكازي. نحن المشتركة عناق طويل ثم كسر.مبومي: كنت متوهجة لي: هاها متوهجة phi؟ Mxm... كنت متوهجةوقالت: أونجاتو دلاليسا، تريد أن يكون الغداء قبل أن يمكننا التحقق من مكانك الجديد؟لي: فعلا كنت أرغب في رؤية المكان أولاً قبل أن يمكن أن انتقلوقالت: حسنا بارد، عليك اتباع لي neh....وقالت سيرا على الأقدام إلى رمز اللحظات دراجة الجحيم ما هو الخطأ مع هذه الفتاة؟!لي: هاي مبومي كيف الجحيم، ومن المفترض أن اللحاق بدراجة؟وقالت: ليس مثل عليك الإسراع شوارعلي: أنت مجنون!وقالت أنها ضحك.قالت: به مثير يا.. هل ترغب في ذلك؟لي: أنا حقاً لا، حقاً قالت: كه غرامة، ومحرك الأقراص والأطفال، وسوف تذهب وحدها.لي: ركوب الخيل ثيمباكازي؟ مبومي!وقالت: ريلاكسا خير! لومنتانا ليجينتسا هززت رأسي وحصلت داخل السيارة، مما يجعل التأكد من ميني هو التوى.وصلنا إلى مابونينج ولا حتى لم أستطع أن يشكو سيئة، لأنني كنت في الحب مع العرض وسقف الأعلى. كان على وشك الانتقال الحال ولو نظراً لأنها بخير. كانت حقائبي، وثم غادرت مع مبومي لتناول الغداء.-مبومي: يمكنك البحث المضطرب، ما هو الخطأ؟ لي: لن تصدق ما أنا على وشك أن أقول لك وقالت: ما هو؟لي: لو على قيد الحياة قالت: لونجيسا؟الأول من ضربة رأس لها: tf!لي: كان رد نفس وقالت: يوه يوه أنت بلادي فلدى يكون المزاح لي... ذلك الأب الطفل مرة أخرى من بين الأموات؟Me: baby daddy was never even taken to the dead Her: heee Daily Sun niphi na? I have juicy news She said chuckling, digging in her bag.Me: this ain't no joke yaz .She saw how serious I was and her facial expressions changed.Her: no way! So where he at?Me: Texas...Her: so what you gonna do? Me: things are so complicated right now and I'm tryna get a break and reduce the stress Her: you're not gonna look for him? Me: I think of that butbtgen again ngizomtholaphi?Her: neh...but then again who told you all this? This is crazy! I explained to her the Mbali situation and how I think Jaden is involved.Her: aah chom ,you know how to find him mosMe: how?Her: I'm not gonna tell you,you're way too smart I huffed and looked at her once then at my baby...-That evening I went to my flat and as empty as it was I opened a bottle of champagne and sat on the floor and drank up while my baby was asleep in her pram. My phone beeped in my bag,I took it and it was a message from an unknown number. I opened and read the message " Hey Thando,I love and miss you...please kiss my daughter for me" my jaw dropped gasp emoticon and my heart started beating way out of my chest. I think I knew who sent the message but at the same time I didn't want to be excited since Jaden or Mbali can pull off the stunt just to make me believe them or make me hopeful. I lied down as if I was dead,I stared at the ceiling feeling dizzy or probably tipsy...I was woken up by a cry, I realized I had been sleeping on the floor and my body was aching. I got up and checked my baby and she was just restless. I calmed her down then went to the bathroom to wash my face. I planned to get my furniture as soon as tomorrow, so I texted Mpumi to ask her to accompany me. It was early around 1am so she was gonna see it the next morning.I changed my baby into something comfortable and lighter then made her sleep just next to me on the floor. The next couple of days I had settled in well here and I was getting on very well with the environment, the people and my baby. I had to accept now that I was a full time mother and that I'm no longer in school, it still hurt me everyday but Minenhle brought the smile on my face. It was a Sunday morning and I woke up early around 6 am ,made myself a cup of coffee then went to the roof top ngahlala on one of the chairs there and watched as the sun shone and listening to the cars that were roaming around. Mpumi called.Me: ma du-Pont ?Her: I hope I didn't wake you up Me: no of course not,I'm awake Her: my twin sister is having a house warming party so would please come with me?Me: ha.a Mpumi Her: have been spending time with your baby and now you completely forgot you have a life Me: my baby is my lifeHer: oh please you need to get yourself a man now Me: a man? Are you serious? He he uyahlanya wena Her: its been 5 months now since your man died Me: Mpumi please man Her: okay ke please come and let's have a blastMe: no problem ke you'll come fetch me ,I'll see what I can do with Minnie Her: you can bring her alongMe: okay fine bye I hung up, and went inside the house to start cleaning. I did so and in the middle of it Minenhle woke up...-Later during the day I recieved a call from Jaden,I picked up anyway I had nothing to do I was just boredMe: Jay Him: how you babe?Me: I'm bored and you?Him: haha having the time of my life Me: #giggles awusangi chomiseli Him: well am bored as well ,just fooling around with you Me: so you good?Him: yeah I am good,I miss you Me: I miss you too Him: you don't mean it Me: I really doHim: so uhlala kuphi?Me: I'm in MabonengHim: oh I see,well i wanted us to discuss the house issueMe: can we not please yoh I need a break in my lifeHim: but babe you have your break I just want the house then that's thatMe: okay we shall arrange a meeting Him: no prob then We spoke for a while. and when it was around 5pm I changed my baby into something else after feeding her then sreaaed up in my black leather leggings , with black tank top and black sequence jacket. I had on black platform wedges with gold spikes. Mpumi arrived while I was still packing a bag for my child. Her: young mommyMe: hey sweetyWe kissed briefly and she threw herself on my couch exhaling.Her: you ready? Me: yep!I took the bag as she carried Minnie with her to the car...-We got to the place and it wa getting filled,people were already there. Her sister's house was big and so was the yard so we chilled out having some drinks. Mpumi went in the house,it was getting chilly sonibtook my baby with me to the car. As we were sitting listening someone soft music on the background there was a knock on the windows ,I turned and to my surprise it was Anathi.I opened the door for him wangena.Me: haw Mr LawyerHim: hey beautiful,watchu doing hereMe: well the weather is too chilly for the babyHim: I saw you insideMe: oh uyabazi abantu ba la?Him: yes Bongani is my friendMe: and who's that?Him: the owner of the house Me: oh I seeHim: so uzohlala apha till? Me: uhm...until Mpumi decides she wants to goHim: kutheni ungaxeli ufuna ukugoduka Me: I can't kill her vibe I'll wait Him: how about I sit with youMe: ah noh I don't think that's a great idea.Him: why? I mean we could chat all night and have our own good timeI giggled and shook my headHim: let me go and actually hala at my buddies then I'll be back with our drinks nehMe: Anathi you don't really have toHim: I want toHe said boldly then walked out,closing the door and winked at me. I giggled while watching him walk away.....
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