لم ينتشر بشكل واسع ,ولكن ظهرت في الاونة الاخيرة بعض من تكنولوجيا ادارة المرور في قليل من الطريق السريعة مثل
• Adaptive ramp metering: the dynamic adjustment of traffic signals at the on-ramp to proactively manage vehicle flow from local access roads.
• Dynamic lane use/shoulder control: the dynamic opening of a shoulder lane to traffic or dynamic closure of travel lanes temporarily in response to increasing congestion or incidents.
• Dynamic speed limits: the dynamic change in speed limits based on road, traffic, and weather conditions.
• Queue warning: the dynamic display of warning signs to alert drivers that congestion and queues are ahead.
• Dynamic rerouting: the dynamic provision of alternate route information in response to increasing congestion at bottlenecks/incidents.
• Dynamic junction control: the provision of lane access based on highway traffic present and merging /diverging traffic to give priority to the facility higher volume to minimize the impact of the merging/diverging movement.
• Adaptive traffic signal control: the optimization of signal timing plans based on prevailing conditions to increase throughput along an arterial.