However, due to the rise of unforeseen transformational factors in the Arab world in the last decade, mainly in
communication and mass media, such as the Arab media recent liberality, the establishment of various Arabic
television broadcasting channels, chiefly the renowned Al-Jazeera, the old monopoly of the orientalists seems
likely to lose its inherited influence. The local new sources of information and analysis are increasingly offering a
more genuine image of the Arabs to the West in particular, and the entire world in general. This paper will shed
some light on the role of Al-Jazeera channel as one of the most efficient means of communication and dialogue
with the West, so as to convey and explain the true image of the Arabs to the Western public opinion. It will also
try to measure the success of Al-Jazeera in changing or questioning the credibility of the classic western
stereotype about Arabs planted by both, the early Orientalists and western politicians in the minds of people.
Furthermore, the paper will analyze the degree of success that Al-Jazeera achieved in helping its Arab viewers to
reconstruct their self awareness and interaction with the persistent issues in the Arab world, especially after the
long years of official channel and media control over the public, which continued to reproduce an official
message that never reflected the reality of life.