Graduates can expect interviews with
prospective employers. While it is expected
that graduates will be well-received in the
advertising profession, the school can not
guarantee employment.
Each week the school is contacted by
companies looking to hire. To get our gradu
ates’ portfolios into the hands of the compa
nies faster, to look at our graduates’ résumés
and their work.
Grades are given on a standard 4-point
scale: A (4.00), A- (3.67), B+ (3.33), B (3.00),
B- (2.67), C+ (2.33), C (2.00), C- (1.67), D+
(1.33), D (1.00), D- (0.67), F (0.00). During the
5th week of the quarter students receive a
mid quarter evaluation from each instructor.
During the tenth week of classes, each
student meets individually with each instruc
tor for an evaluation of progress for the
The student receives an end-of-quarter
written evaluation, which includes remarks
on their presentation. Selected work from
their quarter’s presentation may be chosen
for the student exhibition of work which will
remain in the school gallery until the follow
ing quarter. Gold medals are awarded to
Student work by a panel of distinguished
judges, and are presented to the winning
students in a student assembly.
All classes are worth 3.025 quarter credits,
Credit hours awarded by this institution
might not be transferable to other institutions
of higher learning.
Before students can graduate, they must
demonstrate a final portfolio that, after
acceptance by the president of the school, is
judged to be of an acceptable level for
entrance into the advertising. A diploma is
granted upon successful completion of all
classes, successful review of the final portfo
lio, and when all financial debt to the school
is met.
The Portfolio Program student will spend 4
quarters in the program for a total of 600
clock hours.
Portfolio Program students will produce a
portfolio of work—20 to 25 pieces—that
contains samples appropriate to the
student’s program. These may include
websites, microsite, integrated media
campaigns and guerilla, Online campaign,
TV commercials, Mobile Applications, Print
ads, Photographs, among others. The portfo
lio must demonstrate a professional level of
ability sufficient to gain entry into a design
firm, an advertising agency or similar corpo
rate position. To graduate, students must
have a minimum GPA of 2.00 on a 4-point
All graduating students receive special assis
tance to develop their final portfolio including
tips on interview techniques and résumé
preparation. Upon graduation recruiters from
ad agencies and employment search firms
are invited to a Portfolio Review (recruiting
session) that the school sponsors.
The placement office works diligently with
each graduate to find a position that
matches the graduates’ skills and interests,