النتائج (
العربية) 1:
1. Assessments: Projects should be based on recent assessments with detailedinformation provided on gaps in assistance together with a justification for theprogramming approach selected.2. Beneficiary prioritisation and selection: Project beneficiaries are selected based on strictvulnerability criteria with a demonstrated verification process.3. Monitoring and Reporting: Projects demonstrating clear linkages between theirmonitoring methodology and geographic/programme requirements will be favourablyweighted.4. Innovative approaches to work: the use of innovative methodologies or modalities for aiddelivery, which are relevant to the beneficiary group, geographic specificities orprogrammatic approach.5. Value for Money: Projects that can demonstrate a high degree of cost effectiveness (i.e.maximum output and beneficiary reach for every dollar invested) relative to the projectbudget will be prioritised.6. Crosscutting Issues: Projects demonstrating attention to the impact on the environmentand propose appropriate mitigation measures, the centrality of protection, and equitablebenefits for males and females will be favourably weighted.7. Coordination: Strong participation in national and regional coordination mechanisms is arequirement.8. Accountability to Affected Populations: Projects that demonstrate strong linkages withbeneficiary communities and documented feedback and complaints mechanisms will befavourably weighted.
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