Is transferred brigades will leave their positions to other sites in Sana'a Capital with all the weapons of light, medium and heavy. prevents this brigades from transporting heavy and medium weapons from the camp, except by order of the Ministry of Defense in the government of national unity that will form under this Convention.
Representatives from the military and security National Committee uses periodic visits and other mechanisms to ensure movement compliance with the restrictions imposed on the medium and heavy arms in those brigades.
brigades will leave outside Sana'a Capital will put heavy and medium weapons under the control of military and security before they leaving the civil
The military and security national committee decides the sites where these weapons will be stored and put the necessary mechanisms to prevent their use.
Leave all the other units, including armed groups, according to the "program of places to be decided by the military and the security of the National Committee. Placed all heavy and medium weapons in the possession of these units under the supervision of the military and security National Committee until the possibility of taking her to the military units or security.
Military and security of the National Committee will development of an inventory list of all the tactical and strategic ballistic missiles and launch systems. Will be required of all units in the area (A) put All ballistic missiles, tactical and strategic and launch systems under the direct control of the third party specified in the Convention.
Concept of Operations
Will be divided into Sana'a Capital (11) sector. Each sector is placed under the control of a military unit or security force with intelligence support. Military and security of the National Committee to supervise and guide the operations of military units or security force in Sanaa, according to "the plan.
The National Committee of military and security will provide periodic reports to the monitoring bodies and national and international supervision and in accordance with the provisions of the Convention.
Tasks and duties of the military and security units under the supervision and guidance of the National Committee of military and security. And be responsible for the following duties and functions:
6. brigade maneuver (to be chosen)
Task: To secure the sector 6
7. brigade maneuver (to be chosen)
Task: insurance sector 7
8. brigade maneuver (to be chosen)
Task: To secure the sector 9
9. brigade maneuver (to be chosen)
Task: insurance sector 11 and ministries in the strip.
10- Brigade maneuver (to be chosen)
Task: Demand to enhance security elements in their sectors
11 - Battalion (to be selected) at Mount (ALrabat) near the 102 brigade and battalion site (to be selected) in (Alnqil), to strengthen the southern entrance to the capital
Task / insurance sector 8
12- Battalion maneuver (to be chosen)
Task: To secure the sector 10
13- Three battalions (to be selected)
Task: To secure communications infrastructure within the 11 sector and in all parts of the Municipality of the capital.
15 -security force (to be selected)
Task: To secure military facilities throughout Sana'a Capital