The Army
Army: a branch of the state's armed forces. It is especially trained to fight for ground combat. It consist of ground forces along with its weapons and equipments and military bases. In some states, the large army unites are called The Armies consisting of infantry, armored tanks and artilleries in addition to supporting forces that carry out the transport tasks, provide medical care and shoulder other responsibilities.
Mostly all countries around the world have armies. However, armies greatly differ in term of structure and combat power which depend on the state technology level. Almost all industrial countries have armies consist of well equipped infantry troops, and modern tanks and artilleries. These armies have hundreds of helicopters, personnel carriers, and short-range guided missiles. They also convey both highly-fast movement and powerful striking force. The majority of these countries have limited industrial base for arms manufacturing and other military equipment therefore, they are forced to import arms.
The method of building and maintaining an army differs from one country to the other. Some countries resort to compulsory recruitment where certain people are chosen to work in military services. some other countries use the international military service method which recruits all the qualified people in a certain age wither they are men or women. however, other countries form/ build their armies from volunteers
Most countries divide their armies to regular army and army reserve. The regular army is constructed of professionals who receive regular training ,they are always in active duty and ready to fight. The National Guard , the Militia, is made up of civilians who are trained periodically. Usually, the army reserve personnel is dismissed of service expect during exercising, and they are called upon service in urgent situations.
For thousands of years , wars were limited in battles among enemies. Major ground battles took place and changed face of history. This situation remained for time until the emerging of the naval forces , and later, the aircrafts and the guided missiles that ended the domination of the armies. Thus, the armies could not fight effectively if their enemies control sea an air. Moreover, the development of nuclear weapons during the mid-twentieth century inflicted lots of changes in the armies role. In the recent time, the main strike force of the most of the powerful countries of long-range bombers and guided missiles