Kingdom of Saudi Arabia developed the curriculum in the
light of both national and international standards. The main
aims were: developing how the students build the
knowledge, developing thinking process, and improving the
smart behavior of the students. The educational system tried
to solve a lot of problems that relate to the vision, mission,
and the aims of learning. It is very necessary to highlight the
development of thinking, communication skills, connection
skills, reasoning, application of technological tools, and
problem solving strategies.
On the other hand, in the last 20 years, a lot of researches
presented the concept of habits of mind as a quality of
thinking people. Thus, It is considered to be very essential
for the students in the 21st century. The productive habits of
mind are educational frameworks that cultivate mindful
habits by teaching thinking processes directly to the students.
They will become more skillful at thinking, solving problem,
applying the knowledge, and communicating using
alternative ways. The productive habits of mind are relative
to how the teacher plan and deal with the content of core
subjects. Also the habits of mind allow students to develop a