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Kylie Elizabeth
100 days missing you baby girl. 100 days without your touch. 100 days without your sweet voice. It's been 100 days since I lost my soul. 100 days since I've become so incredibly selfish missing the fight. All these things all about me. How joyous for you though. 100 cancer free. 100 days out of the hospital. 100 days with no pokes, prods, or procedures. 100 days with no pain. 100 days of living without fear! What I would do to have just 1 of those 100 days with you. I would give up a lifetime for it. These last two weeks have been so incredibly hard on me. A few days I didn't even get up. I've been so good up until this point. Forcing myself to get out of bed and keep moving, which has worked so well for me. But those days came to an end as I lost all my energy in my longing to be with you. However, things are starting to look up. I guess that's the crazy thing about grief. You're thrown into a tornado of emotions that are so new and unfamiliar it's that part of life that you have to learn to live with. Everyday learning to live with a new emotion you never even knew existed inside you. Grief changes you, Everything about you. It changes your outlook on life, it changes the things that matter or what you though mattered, it changes your being and everything you thought you were. Navigating this life without you has become a deep learning process. Some days I find a little joy here and there and somedays it's almost impossible to get a smile from me. That's a hard thing to wrap my head around because before you passed all I wanted to do was spread joy and a smile, even in the worst situations. This isn't me. But I am not me without you. 2 1/2 years is a blink. It came and went too quickly. My next 60 years I will miss you farther than stars, but my love and those memories of 2 1/2 years will never fade. Dada and Mama love you baby girl. Happy 100 days free. #prayersforkylie #kylieslegacy #kyliestrong #godslittlewarrior
9.44 am 5/19/2015
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latamy4sandrita_plus3preciouslou.se__dris> VIEW ALL
413 Comments > VIEW ALL
alyssaaagraceee 8 minutes ago
@tonitrops crying
nikkitraniam 3 minutes ago
I am profoundly sorry for your loss emoji I wish you much love for you and your little angel emojiShe is a beautiful little girl.
blessed_mom_ about a minute ago
I prayed for Kylie as she was fighting her battle with cancer. I prayed for God to heal her body and make her healthy again. I realize now God did heal her just not the way I was asking for. He healed her from cancer and made her never have to suffer again. She got the best healing of all. I can't imagine your emptiness but always remember how many people your Kylie has touched. I know you are so proud!
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إيكونوسكواري-جميع Instagram على الإنترنت ◂ عارض◂ الإحصاءاتلقطات◂ إدارةتعزيز◂ المسابقةإيكونوسكواري-جميع Instagram على الإنترنتالقائمة براييرسفوركيليإليزابيث كايلي 100 days missing you baby girl. 100 days without your touch. 100 days without your sweet voice. It's been 100 days since I lost my soul. 100 days since I've become so incredibly selfish missing the fight. All these things all about me. How joyous for you though. 100 cancer free. 100 days out of the hospital. 100 days with no pokes, prods, or procedures. 100 days with no pain. 100 days of living without fear! What I would do to have just 1 of those 100 days with you. I would give up a lifetime for it. These last two weeks have been so incredibly hard on me. A few days I didn't even get up. I've been so good up until this point. Forcing myself to get out of bed and keep moving, which has worked so well for me. But those days came to an end as I lost all my energy in my longing to be with you. However, things are starting to look up. I guess that's the crazy thing about grief. You're thrown into a tornado of emotions that are so new and unfamiliar it's that part of life that you have to learn to live with. Everyday learning to live with a new emotion you never even knew existed inside you. Grief changes you, Everything about you. It changes your outlook on life, it changes the things that matter or what you though mattered, it changes your being and everything you thought you were. Navigating this life without you has become a deep learning process. Some days I find a little joy here and there and somedays it's almost impossible to get a smile from me. That's a hard thing to wrap my head around because before you passed all I wanted to do was spread joy and a smile, even in the worst situations. This isn't me. But I am not me without you. 2 1/2 years is a blink. It came and went too quickly. My next 60 years I will miss you farther than stars, but my love and those memories of 2 1/2 years will never fade. Dada and Mama love you baby girl. Happy 100 days free. #prayersforkylie #kylieslegacy #kyliestrong #godslittlewarrior9.44 صباحا 19/05/2015 | الرابعكيليسترونجودسليتليوارريوربراييرسفوركيليكيلييسليجاسي14572 مثلlatamy4sandrita_plus3preciouslou.se__dris > "عرض الكل"413 التعليقات > عرض الكلاليسااجراسيي قبل 8 دقائقتبكي @tonitropsنيكيترانيام قبل 3 دقائقأنني أشعر بأسف عميق ل emoji الخسارة الخاص بك أتمنى لك الكثير من الحب لك واموجيشي الملاك الصغير الخاص بك فتاة صغيرة جميلة.blessed_mom_ حوالي دقيقة واحدة قبلصليت كايلي كما أنها تحارب معركتها مع السرطان. صليت لله شفاء جسدها وتجعلها صحية مرة أخرى. وأنا أدرك الآن شفاء الله لها ليس فقط بالطريقة التي كان يطلبون. تلتئم لها من السرطان، وقدم لها لم يكن لتعاني مرة أخرى. وقالت أنها حصلت على شفاء أفضل للجميع. تخيل الفراغ الخاص بك لا يسعني إلا أن أتذكر دائماً كيف كثير من الناس وقد لمست بك كايلي. وأنا أعلم أنك فخور بذلك!الإعلان شروط الاستخدام© تريبنيتي عام 2015--جميع الحقوق محفوظةوأدلى في ليموج، ليموزين، fr.
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