النتائج (
العربية) 1:
•Deliberate omission:As baker (1992) states, it does no harm to omit a word in some contexts if the meaning they convey is not vital to the development of the text.هل ستأتي الى الحفلة؟ (literally: Are you coming to the party?نعم، إن شاء الله Yes, if it is God’s will)Which can be rendered as:Are you coming to the party?Yes.•Compensation:Compensation is ‘mitigating the loss of important source text features by approximating their effects in the target text’ (Dickens, Hervey, & Higgins, 2002, p. 40). Following is an example taken from the play "مجنون ليلى" written be Ahmad Chouki and translated as “Quais & Laila: Majnun Laila” by Jeanette Atiya in 1990:أيابنَ ذريح لقينا الغمام (1982, p.8) (literally: O Ibn Dhureeh, we have met the raining clouds)“O Ibn Dhureeh, you come upon usAs the rain to the desert” (p.98) Other examples of compensation may come from pragmatic explicitations (Klaudy,1998). Target readers may not share aspects of what is considered general knowledge for the source readers. For example names of classical songs in the Arab culture which are well known to the Arab readers may mean nothing to the target language audience. In such cases the translator might write (the song Inta Omri) for ‘Inta Omri’.
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