view based on insights from a range of different disciplines. Third, futures studies challenges and unpacks the
assumptions behind dominant and contending views of the future. The future thus is not empty but fraught with
hidden assumptions. For example, many people expect the collapse of the Earth's ecosystem in the near future, while
others believe the current ecosystem will survive indefinitely. A foresight approach would seek to analyse and so
highlight the assumptions underpinning such views.
Futures studies does not generally focus on short term predictions such as interest rates over the next business cycle,
or of managers or investors with short-term time horizons. Most strategic planning, which develops operational plans
for preferred futures with time horizons of one to three years, is also not considered futures. Plans and strategies with
longer time horizons that specifically attempt to anticipate possible future events are definitely part of the field.
The futures field also excludes those who make future predictions through professed supernatural means. At the
same time, it does seek to understand the models such groups use and the interpretations they give to these models