We know how important friends are. They rank right up there with family—always ready to help out, to offer encourage and support, in short, to be what you want when you want it.
But too often we judge our friends by what they do for us, instead of looking at what we have done for them. Like little children, we stretch out our hands for them to fill, instead of reaching out to give to them. Or worse, we keep a figurative balance sheet, and withhold our friendship when we think the accounts are out of balance.
True friendship is such a rarity that it must be treasured. And while it can be resilient, it is not indestructible.
Nurture your friendships—call your friends today and let them know how much having them in your life means to you.
Demonstrate with the gift of your time and attention that they are valuable people—not for what they have done for you but just because they exist in this world