Hello,Due to the fact that cases of exchanging stolen and/or illegally ترجمة - Hello,Due to the fact that cases of exchanging stolen and/or illegally العربية كيف أقول

Hello,Due to the fact that cases of


Due to the fact that cases of exchanging stolen and/or illegally received funds are increased in the payment system PayPal, we check the orders from new clients carefully.

Please, provide the following information that is required to take a decision on your request:
1. Are the accounts in the payment systems PayPal (YASSER.SAIFI.HH@GMAIL.COM) and PerfectMoney (U11069897) issued to the same person (Yassersaifi Yasser Saifi)? To you? Are these accounts identified (verified)?
2. In what way did you receive money in the PayPal account? Attach the screenshots of payments activity (1-2 pages) from PayPal account.
3. Attach a scanned copy or a photo of the passport, drivers license, National ID сard or other similar document issued to your name.
The digital copies of the documents are necessary for us to confirm that you are the owner of money planned to exchange.
If desired, you can add the sign " only for http://www.exchangex.ru " to the scanned copy/ photo with the help of graphic editor.
4. Please write us the number of the WMID in Webmoney system if you have it.
5. In accordance with the one of the exchange terms https://exchangex.ru/terms_eng.php the transaction of PerfectMoney will be made by us within 6 days after receiving the payment from you as you are a new client. Do you agree with this term?
If you need to get PerfectMoney USD quicker, please let us know the specific time and circumstances. We will consider the possibility of reducing the hold time.

Also inform you that the payment system PayPal often reacts negatively to sending the whole amount which are on the account.
If the amount in 160 USD is your whole balance in the payment system PayPal, we recommend to reduce the amount to be exchanged by 10%, that the amount was a multiple of 5.
For making changes you can use the link "change" (situated near the amount) when viewing the data in the order.

We appreciate every client and in the future, in the long-term cooperation, we are pleased to perform exchanges in the short period of time.


Regards, ExchangeX TeaM
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النتائج (العربية) 1: [نسخ]
Hello,Due to the fact that cases of exchanging stolen and/or illegally received funds are increased in the payment system PayPal, we check the orders from new clients carefully.Please, provide the following information that is required to take a decision on your request:1. Are the accounts in the payment systems PayPal (YASSER.SAIFI.HH@GMAIL.COM) and PerfectMoney (U11069897) issued to the same person (Yassersaifi Yasser Saifi)? To you? Are these accounts identified (verified)?2. In what way did you receive money in the PayPal account? Attach the screenshots of payments activity (1-2 pages) from PayPal account.3. Attach a scanned copy or a photo of the passport, drivers license, National ID сard or other similar document issued to your name.The digital copies of the documents are necessary for us to confirm that you are the owner of money planned to exchange.If desired, you can add the sign " only for http://www.exchangex.ru " to the scanned copy/ photo with the help of graphic editor. 4. Please write us the number of the WMID in Webmoney system if you have it.5. In accordance with the one of the exchange terms https://exchangex.ru/terms_eng.php the transaction of PerfectMoney will be made by us within 6 days after receiving the payment from you as you are a new client. Do you agree with this term?If you need to get PerfectMoney USD quicker, please let us know the specific time and circumstances. We will consider the possibility of reducing the hold time.Also inform you that the payment system PayPal often reacts negatively to sending the whole amount which are on the account. If the amount in 160 USD is your whole balance in the payment system PayPal, we recommend to reduce the amount to be exchanged by 10%, that the amount was a multiple of 5. For making changes you can use the link "change" (situated near the amount) when viewing the data in the order.We appreciate every client and in the future, in the long-term cooperation, we are pleased to perform exchanges in the short period of time.Thanks.Regards, ExchangeX TeaM
يجري ترجمتها، يرجى الانتظار ..
النتائج (العربية) 2:[نسخ]
مرحبا، نظرا لحقيقة أن حالات تبادل سرقت و / أو زيادة الأموال التي وردت بصورة غير قانونية في نظام الدفع باي بال، ونحن تحقق من أوامر من العملاء الجدد بعناية. الرجاء، وتوفير المعلومات التالية المطلوبة لاتخاذ قرار بشأن طلبك : 1. هي الحسابات في أنظمة الدفع باي بال (YASSER.SAIFI.HH@GMAIL.COM) وPerfectMoney (U11069897) الصادرة لنفس الشخص (Yassersaifi ياسر الصيفي)؟ لك؟ هل هذه الحسابات المحددة (التحقق)؟ 2. ما هي الطريقة لم تتلقى المال في حساب باي بال؟ نعلق لقطات من النشاط المدفوعات (1-2 صفحات) من حساب باي بال. 3. إرفاق نسخة ممسوحة ضوئيا أو صورة من جواز السفر، رخصة القيادة، сard أو وثيقة أخرى مماثلة صدرت اسمك. الهوية الوطنية ونسخ رقمية من وثائق ضرورية بالنسبة لنا لتأكيد أنك صاحب المال خططت لتبادل. إذا المطلوب، يمكنك إضافة علامة "فقط لhttp://www.exchangex.ru" لمسحها ضوئيا نسخة / صورة مع مساعدة من محرر الرسوم البيانية. 4. يرجى الكتابة لنا عدد من WMID في ويب ماني نظام إذا كان لديك. 5. وفقا لأحد المصطلحات الصرف https://exchangex.ru/terms_eng.php~~V سيتم إجراء الصفقة من PerfectMoney من قبلنا في غضون 6 أيام بعد تلقي دفعة منك كما كنت عميل جديد. هل تتفق مع هذا المصطلح؟ إذا كنت بحاجة للحصول على PerfectMoney USD أسرع، واسمحوا لنا أن نعرف الوقت وظروف محددة. وسوف ننظر في إمكانية تقليل وقت الانتظار. إبلاغ لك أيضا أن نظام الدفع باي بال كثير من الأحيان يتفاعل سلبا لإرسال كامل المبلغ والتي هي في الحساب. إذا كان المبلغ في 160 USD هو التوازن كله في نظام الدفع باي بال، ونحن يوصي لتقليل كمية التي يتم تبادلها بنسبة 10٪، أن المبلغ كان من مضاعفات 5. لإجراء تغييرات يمكنك استخدام الرابط "التغيير" (تقع بالقرب من كمية) عند عرض البيانات في النظام. ونحن نقدر كل عميل وفي المستقبل، في تعاون طويل الأمد، ونحن سعداء لإجراء تبادل في فترة قصيرة من الزمن. شكرا. التحيات، ExchangeX فريق

يجري ترجمتها، يرجى الانتظار ..
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