النتائج (
العربية) 1:
Department Of Immigration and Border ProtectionApplication for Employer Nominationfor a Permanent AppointmentRecord ofResponsesGenerated: Tue, 04 Aug 2015 13:12:01, EST TRN: EGO98O8VU8 Page 1 of 8Terms and ConditionsI have read and agree to theterms and conditions:YesBusiness / organisationScheme detailsScheme type: Regional Sponsored Migration Scheme - visa subclass 187Visa application stream: Direct entryBusiness / organisation detailsLegal registered name: Australian Medical and Dental Technology Pty LimitedTrading name: Australian Medical and Dental Technology Pty LimitedIndustry type: Professional, Scientific and Technical ServicesDate established orcommenced trading inAustralia:15 May 2014Registration identifiersGive details of all registration identifiers for the business / organisation.Give details of a registration identifier for the business / organisation.Business registration type: Australian Business Number (ABN)Business registration ID: 88169566009Give details of a registration identifier for the business / organisation.Business registration type: Australian Company Number (ACN)Business registration ID: 169566009Work location postcodeGive details of the postcode where the nominated person will be employed.Postcode: 4563Application for Employer Nomination for a Permanent AppointmentGenerated: Tue, 04 Aug 2015 13:12:01, EST TRN: EGO98O8VU8 Page 2 of 8Business / organisation address detailsHead office addressGive details of the business / organisation's head office address in Australia.Note that a street address is required. A post office address cannot be accepted as a business /organisation address.Country: AUSTRALIAAddress: 9 Marion StreetSuburb / Town: AUBURNState / Territory: New South WalesPostcode: 2144Postal addressIs the postal address the same as the head office address?NoCountry: AUSTRALIAAddress: PO Box 628Suburb / Town: Parramatta CBDState / Territory: New South WalesPostcode: 2124Contact personContact person detailsGive details of the contact person within the business / organisation.Family name: ABDULGiven names: RAOUFPostal addressCountry: AUSTRALIAAddress: 9 Marion StreetSuburb / Town: AUBURNState / Territory: New South WalesPostcode: 2144Application for Employer Nomination for a Permanent AppointmentGenerated: Tue, 04 Aug 2015 13:12:01, EST TRN: EGO98O8VU8 Page 3 of 8Contact telephone numbersBusiness phone: 1300214921Mobile / Cell phone: 0450330695Electronic communicationWe can communicate about this application more quickly using email and/or fax. Does the contactperson agree to this department communicating via email and/or fax? This may include receivingnotification of the outcome of the application.YesEmail address: amdt.technology2@gmail.comFax number: 0280886264Authorised recipientDoes the applicant authorise another person to receive written correspondence on their behalf?This authorises the department to send the authorised person all written correspondence that wouldotherwise be sent directly to the applicant.Yes, another personThis person is referred to as the 'authorised recipient'.Authorised personAuthorised recipient contact detailsFamily name: ASLANGiven names: BassemPostal addressCountry: AUSTRALIAAddress: PO Box 628Suburb / Town: Parramatta CBDState / Territory: New South WalesPostcode: 2124Contact telephone numbersBusiness phone: 1300214921Mobile / Cell phone: 0450330695Application for Employer Nomination for a Permanent AppointmentGenerated: Tue, 04 Aug 2015 13:12:01, EST TRN: EGO98O8VU8 Page 4 of 8Electronic communicationWe can communicate about this application more quickly using email and/or fax. Does the authorisedrecipient agree to this department communicating via email and/or fax? This may include receivingnotification of the outcome of the application.YesEmail address: amdt.technology2@gmail.comFax number: 0280886264Position to be filledPosition detailsPosition: Pharmacy TechnicianOccupation (ANZSCO) Pharmacy TechnicianAddress where nominated person will be employedCountry: AUSTRALIAAddress: Nandroya RoadAustraliaSuburb / Town: Cooroy,Shire of Noosa,Sunshine Coast ReState / Territory: QueenslandPostcode: 4563Regional certification detailsHas this nomination been certified by a Regional Certifying Body?NoTerms and conditions that apply to current employeesDo you already have Australian employee(s) in your workplace doing the same work as thenominated person?NoTerms and conditions that will apply to the nominated personBase rate of pay per annum: 62000Guaranteed annual earnings: 62000Application for Employer Nomination for a Permanent AppointmentGenerated: Tue, 04 Aug 2015 13:12:01, EST TRN: EGO98O8VU8 Page 5 of 8Give details of how the basepay and guaranteed annualearnings were determined:In accordance with applicable rates of payWill you make any deductions from these earnings apart from tax?NoWill the business / organisation be paying the nominated person's salary?YesWill the terms and conditions of employment of your Australian employee(s) apply to the nominatedperson?YesEmployment and training detailsEmploymentOf the Australian operations of the business / organisation, what is the total number of:Australian employees(including Australian citizensand permanent residents)5Foreign employees (i.e. non-Australian citizens or nonpermanentresidents)0Of the total number of foreign employees, what is the number of:Temporary business /organisation entrants:0Overseas students: 0Working holiday makers: 0Other: 0TrainingWhat is the total number of Australian citizens or permanent residents employed in the business /organisation as:Professionals: 2Tradespersons: 2Recent Australian universitygraduates with less than 12months work experience:0Apprentices employed undera training agreement orcontract of training:0Application for Employer Nomination for a Permanent AppointmentGenerated: Tue, 04 Aug 2015 13:12:01, EST TRN: EGO98O8VU8 Page 6 of 8Other trainees employedunder a training agreement orcontract of training:1Gross payroll expenditure ofthe business / organisation inthe past 12 months:250000Gross expenditure ontraining Australian citizens orpermanent residents in thepast 12 months:5000Include paid study leave, accredited training courses, reimbursement of study related costs,employment of designated training officers and the cost of in-house training.Did the business / organisation make any contributions to an industry training fund in the past 12months?NoNominated PersonAre the nominated person details available to be added?YesNominated person detailsFamily name: ALMOUSAGiven names: SALEH ALI MOHAMMADSex: MaleDate of birth: 01 Jan 1980Passport detailsAre the details of a current passport available to be entered for the nominated person?YesEnter the following details as they appear in the nominated person's passport.Passport number: L129926Country of passport: JORDAN - JORNationality of passport holder: JORDAN - JORDate of issue: 22 Mar 2011Date of expiry: 21 Mar 2016Place of issue / issuingauthority:JARASH JORDANApplication for Employer Nomination for a Permanent AppointmentGenerated: Tue, 04 Aug 2015 13:12:01, EST TRN: EGO98O8VU8 Page 7 of 8Place of birth
Town / City: KUFR KHALL
State / Province: JARASH
Country of birth: JORDAN
Residential address
Note that a street address is required. A post office address cannot be accepted as a residential
Country: JORDAN
Address: KUFR KHAL
Suburb / Town: JARASH
State or Province: JARASH
Postal code: N/A
Contact telephone numbers
Business phone:
Mobile / Cell phone: 962797907786
Migrating family members
Are there any migrating family members included in this application?
ENS / RSMS Declarations
Giving false or misleading information is a serious offence.
The applicants declare that they:
Have the authority to enter into legal commitments for the nominating business / organisation.
Will provide full-time employment for the visa applicant for at least two years.
Acknowledge that any resulting visa may be cancelled if holder does not commence work within six
months or does not continue to work in the nominated position for at least two years.
Acknowledge that any non-compliance with Australian agreements, awards and conditions may incur
penalties under Australia's industrial relations system and affect future immigration nominations.
Application for Employer Nomination for a Permanent Appointment
Generated: Tue, 04 Aug 2015 13:12:01, EST TRN: EGO98O8VU8 Page 8 of 8
Giving false or misleading information is a serious offence.
The applicants declare that they:
Have read and understood the information provided to them in this application.
Have provided complete and correct information in every detail on this form, and on any attachments
to it.
Understand that if any fraudulent documents or false or misleading information has been provided
with this application, or if any of the applicants fail to satisfy the Minister of their identity, the
application may be refused and the applicant(s), and any member of their family unit, may become
unable to be granted a visa for a specified period of time.
Understand that if documents are found to be fraudulent or information to be incorrect after the grant
of a visa, the visa may subsequently be cancelled.
Understand that if this application is approved, any person not included in this application will not
have automatic right of entry to Australia.
Will inform the Department of Immigration and Border Protection in writing immediately as they
become aware of a change in circumstances (including change of address) or if there is any change
relating to information they have provided in or with this application, while it is being considered.
Have read the information contained in the Privacy Notice (Form
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