0RESEARCH PROBLEMS AND RESEARCH QUESTIONS0Introduction A research stud ترجمة - 0RESEARCH PROBLEMS AND RESEARCH QUESTIONS0Introduction A research stud العربية كيف أقول



A research study begins as a problem that a researcher would like to solve or as a question (or set of questions) that a researcher would like to answer. That question or problem often develops from a broad topic, area, and researchers usually find it necessary to offer some time to restricting and explaining the problem.
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● Research problem
A research problem is a situation involving an unexplained, confusing, or troubling condition.
● Problem statement
A problem statement clears the problem to be addressed.

●Research question
A research question is a statement of the specific query (question) the researcher wants to answer to address the research problem. The research questions guide the types of data to be collected in the study.
●Statement of purpose
A statement of purpose (or purpose statement), which is the researcher's summary of the overall goal of a study.
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The five most common sources of research problems are:
● Experience.
● Nursing literature.
● Social issues.
● Theories.
● Ideas form others.

●The nurse's everyday experience provides a rich supply of problems for investigation. Experience is often the most convincing source for topics.
●An important ingredient for a successful research project is the investigator's curiosity. As you are performing your nursing functions, you are bound to find a wealth of research ideas if you are curios about why things are the way they are or about how things could be improved if something were to change.

●Nursing literature
●Ideas for research studies often come from reading the nursing literature.
●Reading published reports may help beginner researchers to find a problem open to investigation and also help to familiarize them with the wording of research problems and the actual conduct of research studies.
●Published research reports may suggest problem areas indirectly by stimulating the reader's imagination of interest in a topic and directly by specifying further areas in need of investigation.

●Variations in findings reported in nursing literature often generate ideas for research studies.
●In summary, a familiarity with existing research or with problematic nursing issues that have yet to be understood and investigated is an important route to develop a research topic.

●Social issues
●Sometimes, topics are suggested by more global current social or political issues of relevance to the health care community. For example, the feminist movement has raised questions about such topics as gender equity, and domestic violence.
●Thus, an idea for a study may come from a familiarity with social concerns or problems.

●The fourth major source of research problems lies in the theoretical systems and conceptual schemes that have been developed in nursing and other related disciplines.
●Theories must be tested through research for their applicability to the hospital, class-room, and other nursing environments. For example, it might be hypothesized that primary nursing is more effective in conserving the patient's energy and social integrity than is team nursing.
●By developing measures of energy spending and social integration, this hypothesis could be tested scientifically.
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●Ideas from external sources
●External sources can sometimes provide the drive for a research idea. In some cases, a research topic may be given as a direct suggestion. For example, a faculty member may give students a list of topics from which to choose or may assign a specific topic to be studied. For example, in recent years, government agencies have requested a variety of AIDS-related research projects.
●Research ideas sometimes represent a response to priorities that are established within the nursing profession.

●Priorities for nursing research have been established by many nursing specialty practices. Priority lists can often serve as a useful starting point for exploring research topics.
●Ideas for studies emerge as a result of a brainstorming session. By discussing possible research topics with peers, advisers, or researchers with advanced skills, ideas often become clarified and sharpened or enriched and more fully developed. Professional conferences often provide an excellent opportunity for such discussions.

The actual procedures for developing a research topic are difficult to describe. The process is rarely a smooth and orderly one; there are likely to be many false starts, several motivations, and setbacks in the initial efforts to develop a research problem statement.

●Selecting a topic
●The development of a research problem is essentially a creative process that depends on imagination, insight, and cleverness.
●The important point is to put some ideas on paper. Examples of some broad topics that may come to mind include communication with patients, anxiety in hospitalized children, pain among cancer patients, postpartum depression, and postoperative loss of orientation.

●After this first step, the ideas can be sorted in terms of interest, knowledge, about the topics, and the perceived promise that the topics hold for a research project.
●When that most fruitful idea has been selected, the rest of the list should not be discarded; it may be necessary to return to it.

●Narrowing the topic
●Once you have identified one or more general topics of interest, you will need to begin asking questions that will lead to a researchable problem.
●The transformation of the general topic into a workable problem is typically accomplished in a number of uneven steps, involving a series of successive estimations. Each step should result in progress toward the goals of narrowing the scope of the problem, sharpening, and defining the concepts.
●Researchers choose the final problem to be studied based on several factors, including its interest to them and its compatibility with a paradigm of preference.

It is clear that a study cannot progress without the choice of a problem; it is less clear, but however true, that the problem and the research questions should be carefully stated in written form before proceeding with the design of the study or with field work. Putting one's ideas in writing is often sufficient to clarify ambiguities and uncertainties.

● Problem Statements
●A problem statement is an expression of the dilemma or disturbing situation that needs investigation for the purposes of providing understanding and direction.
●A problem statement identifies the nature of the problem that is being addressed in the study and, typically, its context and significance.
●Generally, the problem statement should be broad enough to include central concerns, but it also needs to be narrow enough in scope to serve as a guide to study design.

●Statement of Purpose
●The purpose statement establishes the general direction of the inquiry and provides an outline of its overall goal.
●The words purpose or goal usually appear in a purpose statement (e.g., the purpose of this study was…, or, the goal of this study was…), but sometimes the words intent, aim, or, objective are used instead.


Women with high-risk pregnancies
Prolonged bed rest experience
The purpose of this study was to explore the experience of prolonged bed rest from the perspective of women with high-risk pregnancies.
Homeless battered women
Patterns of violence, experience in shelter search
The purpose of this study was to describe reported patterns of violence of homeless battered women and their experiences in search for shelter.
Qualitative Studies
Expectant fathers
Discussion group intervention (IV)
Spousal relations (DV)
The purpose of this study was to determine whether the use of perinatal discussion groups for expectant fathers with an emphasis on teaching coping skills would positively influence spousal relations.
MI and CABG patients
Patient characteristics (IV)
Referral to outpatient cardiac rehabilitation (DV)
The purpose of this study is to examine patient characteristics that predict referral to outpatient cardiac rehabilitation following hospitalization for myocardial infarction (MI) or coronary artery bypass surgery (CABG).
Quantitative studies
Population or study group
Key concepts or variables
Statement of purpose

Research Questions
Research questions are direct rewording of statements of purpose, phrased questionably rather than declaratively, as in the following example:
●What is the relationship between the dependency level of renal transplant recipients and their rate of recovery?
●What is the process by which adult children make decisions regarding the placement of their elderly parents in nursing homes?
●The question form has the advantage of simplicity and directness. Questions invite an answer and help to focus the researcher's and the reader's attention on the kinds of data that would have to be collected to provide that answer.

Research Questions
●In a quantitative study, research questions identify the key variables (most often, the independent and dependent variables), the relationships among them if a relationship is being studied, and the population under study.
●In qualitative studies, the research questions often evolve and change over the course of the study. The research question is fairly bro
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النتائج (العربية) 1: [نسخ]
0مشاكل البحث وأسئلة البحث0مقدمة دراسة بحثية تبدأ مشكلة التي يود باحث أن حل أو كسؤال (أو مجموعة من الأسئلة) التي يود باحث الإجابة. أن المسألة أو المشكلة غالباً ما يطور من موضوع واسع المجال، والباحثون عادة ما نجد من الضروري أن توفر بعض الوقت لتقييد وشرح المشكلة.جاري التحميل...0التعاريف● مشكلة البحثمشكلة بحث حالة التي تنطوي غير المبررة، مربكة، أو مثيرة للقلق حالة.● بيان المشكلةيمسح ببيان مشكلة مشكلة يتعين التصدي لها.0التعاريفسؤال ●Research سؤال بحث هو بيان للاستعلام محددة (السؤال) يريد الباحث الإجابة لمعالجة مشكلة البحث. توجيه أسئلة البحث أنواع البيانات التي يتم جمعها في هذه الدراسة.●Statement للغرض ملخص الهدف العام المتمثل في إجراء دراسة لبيان الغرض (أو بيان الغرض)، وهو الباحث.جاري التحميل...0مصادر المشاكل البحثيةخمسة مصادر الأكثر شيوعاً للمشاكل البحثية:● خبرة.● الأدب التمريض.● القضايا الاجتماعية.● نظريات.● أفكار تشكل الآخرين.0مصادر المشاكل البحثية●Experienceالتجربة ● ممرضة اليومية توفر إمدادات غنية من المشاكل للتحقيق. غالباً ما يتم تجربة المصدر الأكثر إقناعاً للمواضيع.●An عنصرا هاما لمشروع بحثي ناجح هو الفضول للمحقق. كما كنت تقوم بمهام التمريض الخاص بك، أنك بد أن تجد ثروة أفكار للبحث إذا كنت التحف حول لماذا تسير الأمور على ما، أو حول الكيفية التي يمكن بها تحسين الأمور إذا ما كان لتغيير.0مصادر المشاكل البحثيةأدب ●Nursing●Ideas للدراسات البحثية غالباً ما تأتي من قراءة الأدب التمريض.●Reading نشرت تقارير قد تساعد الباحثين المبتدئين العثور على مشكلة مفتوحة للتحقيق والمساعدة أيضا لتعريفهم بصيغة مشاكل البحوث والتصرف الفعلي للبحوث والدراسات.قد توحي التقارير البحثية ●Published مشكلة المناطق غير مباشر بحفز مخيلة القارئ للفائدة في هذا موضوع ومباشرة بتحديد المزيد من المجالات التي تحتاج إلى التحقيق.0مصادر المشاكل البحثية●Variations في النتائج المبلغ عنها في التمريض الأدب غالباً ما تولد أفكاراً للبحوث والدراسات.●In موجزة، ألفه مع البحوث الموجودة أو مع قضايا التمريض الإشكالية التي لم تكون مفهومة والتحقيق طريقا هاما تطوير موضوع بحث.0مصادر المشاكل البحثيةقضايا ●Social●Sometimes، يتم اقتراح المواضيع بالقضايا الاجتماعية أو السياسية الحالية العالمية أكثر من أهمية بالنسبة لمجتمع الرعاية الصحية. على سبيل المثال، الحركة النسوية قد آثار أسئلة حول مواضيع من قبيل المساواة بين الجنسين، والعنف المنزلي.●Thus، قد تأتي فكرة إجراء دراسة من ألفه مع الشواغل الاجتماعية أو المشاكل.0مصادر المشاكل البحثية●Theory● الرابعة مصدرا رئيسيا للمشاكل البحثية يكمن في نظرية النظم والمخططات المفاهيمية التي تم تطويرها في التمريض وغيرها من التخصصات ذات الصلة.يجب اختبار ●Theories من خلال البحوث لتطبيقها على المستشفى وغرفة من فئة، وغيرها من البيئات التمريض. على سبيل المثال، يمكن الافتراض أن التمريض الأساسي أكثر فعالية في الحفاظ على الطاقة والسلامة الاجتماعية للمريض مما فريق التمريض.●By وضع تدابير لإنفاق الطاقة والتكامل الاجتماعي، وهذه الفرضية يمكن أن تختبر علمياً.جاري التحميل...0مصادر المشاكل البحثية●Ideas من مصادر خارجيةيمكن أن توفر مصادر ●External في بعض الأحيان محرك الأقراص لفكرة بحث. في بعض الحالات، قد يكون نظراً لموضوع بحث كاقتراح مباشرة. على سبيل المثال، قد يعطي الطلاب قائمة بالمواضيع التي تختار عضو هيئة التدريس أو قد تعيين موضوع محدد دراستها. على سبيل المثال، في السنوات الأخيرة، طلبت وكالات الحكومة مجموعة متنوعة من مشاريع البحوث المتعلقة بالإيدز.أفكار ●Research في بعض الأحيان تمثل استجابة للأولويات التي أنشئت داخل مهنة التمريض.0مصادر المشاكل البحثيةتم إنشاء ●Priorities للتمريض البحث بالعديد من الممارسات تخصص التمريض. قوائم الأولوية يمكن غالباً ما تكون بمثابة نقطة انطلاق مفيدة لاستكشاف مواضيع البحث.●Ideas للدراسات تظهر نتيجة جلسة العصف الذهني. بمناقشة المواضيع البحثية الممكنة مع أقرانهم، والمستشارين، أو الباحثين ذوي المهارات المتقدمة، الأفكار غالباً ما تصبح أوضح وشحذ أو أثري وأكمل نمواً. المؤتمرات المهنية غالباً ما توفر فرصة ممتازة لمثل هذه المناقشات.0تطوير وصقل للمشاكل البحثية الإجراءات الفعلية لتطوير موضوع بحث صعبة لوصف. هذه العملية هو نادراً ما واحد سلس ومنظم؛ هناك من المرجح أن يكون الكثير من بدايات زائفة ودوافع عدة نكسات في الجهود الأولية وضع بيان مشكلة بحثية.0تطوير وصقل للمشاكل البحثية●Selecting الموضوع● تطوير مشكلة البحث هو أساسا عملية إبداعية التي تعتمد على الخيال والبصيرة والذكاء.● نقطة هامة إلى طرح بعض الأفكار على الورق. وتشمل أمثلة لبعض المواضيع الواسعة التي قد تتبادر إلى الذهن التواصل مع المرضى، القلق لدى الأطفال إلى المستشفى، والألم من بين مرضى السرطان واكتئاب، وفقدان التوجه بعد العملية الجراحية.0تطوير وصقل للمشاكل البحثية●After هذه الخطوة الأولى، الأفكار التي يمكن فرزها في المصطلحات للفائدة، المعرفة، حول المواضيع، والوعد المتصورة التي تعقد المواضيع لمشروع بحثي.●When وقد تم اختيار تلك الفكرة الأكثر إثمارا، ويجب أن لا يتم تجاهل بقية القائمة؛ قد يكون من الضروري العودة إلى ذلك.0تطوير وصقل للمشاكل البحثية●Narrowing الموضوعلقد قمت بتحديد واحد أو أكثر من المواضيع العامة لمصلحة ●Once، سوف تحتاج إلى البدء في طرح الأسئلة التي سوف تؤدي إلى مشكلة ﻹجراء.عادة ما يتم إنجاز ● تحويل الموضوع العام إلى مشكلة قابلة للتطبيق في عدد من الخطوات غير متكافئ، تنطوي على سلسلة من التقديرات المتتالية. كل خطوة ينبغي أن يسفر عن التقدم المحرز صوب تحقيق الأهداف لتضييق نطاق المشكلة، وشحذ، وتحديد المفاهيم.اختر ●Researchers المشكلة النهائية دراستها استناداً إلى عدة عوامل، بما في ذلك مصلحة لهم ومدى توافقه مع نموذج تفضيل.0الاتصال مشكلة البحث ومن الواضح أن دراسة لا يمكن التقدم دون اختيار مشكلة؛ أقل وضوحاً، لكن صحيح، يجب أن تكون بعناية ذكر المشكلة والأسئلة البحثية في شكل مكتوب قبل الشروع في تصميم الدراسة أو العمل الميداني. وضع الأفكار لأحد في الكتابة في كثير من الأحيان كافياً لتوضيح أوجه الغموض وعدم اليقين.0الاتصال مشكلة البحث● مشكلة البياناتبيان المشكلة ●A هو تعبير عن المعضلة أو الحالة المزعجة التي يحتاج التحقيق لأغراض توفير الفهم والاتجاه.بيان المشكلة ●A يحدد طبيعة المشكلة التي يجري تناولها في الدراسة، وعادة، في السياق وأهمية.●Generally، بيان المشكلة يجب أن تكون واسعة بما يكفي إدراج الشواغل المركزية، ولكن من الضروري أيضا أن تكون ضيقة بما يكفي في نطاقها تكون بمثابة دليل لدراسة تصميم.0الاتصال مشكلة البحث●Statement للغرض● الغرض بيان يحدد الاتجاه العام للتحقيق ويقدم الخطوط العريضة لهدفه العام.● كلمات الغرض أو الهدف وعادة ما تظهر في بيان غرض (مثلاً.. وكان الغرض من هذه الدراسة، أو أن الهدف من هذه الدراسة...)، لكن في بعض الأحيان قصد الكلمات، الهدف، أو الهدف يتم استخدامها بدلاً من ذلك.0النساء ذوات الحمول عالية الخطورةتجربة بقية سرير طويلةوكان الغرض من هذه الدراسة استكشاف تجربة الراحة في الفراش فترة طويلة من منظور النساء ذوات الحمول عالية الخطورة.بلا مأوى النساء اللاتي يتعرضن للضربأنماط من العنف، تجربة في البحث عن مأوىوكان الغرض من هذه الدراسة لوصف أنماط المبلغ عنها من العنف من دون مأوى النساء اللاتي يتعرضن للضرب وتجاربهم في البحث عن مأوى.الدراسات النوعيةالآباء الحواملمناقشة مجموعة التدخل (الرابع)العلاقات الزوجية (DV)وكان الغرض من هذه الدراسة لتحديد ما إذا كان استخدام مجموعات المناقشة حول الولادة للحوامل الآباء مع تركيز على تدريس مهارات التكيف سيكون التأثير إيجابيا على العلاقات الزوجية.مي وتحويل المرضىخصائص المريض (الرابع)الإحالة إلى إعادة تأهيل القلب للمرضى الخارجيين (DV)والغرض من هذه الدراسة هو دراسة خصائص المريض التي تنبئ بالإحالة إلى العيادات الخارجية القلب التأهيل بعد العلاج في المستشفيات لاحتشاء عضلة القلب (ميتشيغن) أو عملية جراحية في الشريان التاجي (تحويل).الدراسات الكميةالمجموعة السكانية أو الدراسةمفاهيم رئيسية أو متغيراتبيان الغرض0أسئلة البحثأسئلة بحثية إعادة صياغة مباشرة من البيانات للغرض، كانت صيغته تساؤل بدلاً من بشكل إلزامي، كما هو الحال في المثال التالي:●What هي العلاقة بين مستوى التبعية لمتلقي زرع الكلي ومعدل الاسترداد؟●What هي العملية التي تجعل الأطفال الكبار القرارات فيما يتعلق بإيداع والديهم المسنين في بيوت التمريض؟● سؤال النموذج يتميز بالبساطة والمباشرة. دعوة إجابة الأسئلة وتساعد على تركيز الاهتمام الباحث والقارئ على أنواع البيانات التي يتعين جمعها لتقديم هذا الرد.0أسئلة البحث●In دراسة كمية، أسئلة البحث تحديد المتغيرات الرئيسية (في أغلب الأحيان، ومستقلة وتعتمد على المتغيرات)، والعلاقات فيما بينها إذا كانت تجري دراسة علاقة، والسكان الخاضعين للدراسة.●In الدراسات النوعية، أسئلة البحث غالباً ما تتطور وتغير على مدى الدراسة. السؤال البحثي إلى حد ما وإخوانه
يجري ترجمتها، يرجى الانتظار ..
النتائج (العربية) 2:[نسخ]


A research study begins as a problem that a researcher would like to solve or as a question (or set of questions) that a researcher would like to answer. That question or problem often develops from a broad topic, area, and researchers usually find it necessary to offer some time to restricting and explaining the problem.
جاري التحميل…
● Research problem
A research problem is a situation involving an unexplained, confusing, or troubling condition.
● Problem statement
A problem statement clears the problem to be addressed.

●Research question
A research question is a statement of the specific query (question) the researcher wants to answer to address the research problem. The research questions guide the types of data to be collected in the study.
●Statement of purpose
A statement of purpose (or purpose statement), which is the researcher's summary of the overall goal of a study.
جاري التحميل…
The five most common sources of research problems are:
● Experience.
● Nursing literature.
● Social issues.
● Theories.
● Ideas form others.

●The nurse's everyday experience provides a rich supply of problems for investigation. Experience is often the most convincing source for topics.
●An important ingredient for a successful research project is the investigator's curiosity. As you are performing your nursing functions, you are bound to find a wealth of research ideas if you are curios about why things are the way they are or about how things could be improved if something were to change.

●Nursing literature
●Ideas for research studies often come from reading the nursing literature.
●Reading published reports may help beginner researchers to find a problem open to investigation and also help to familiarize them with the wording of research problems and the actual conduct of research studies.
●Published research reports may suggest problem areas indirectly by stimulating the reader's imagination of interest in a topic and directly by specifying further areas in need of investigation.

●Variations in findings reported in nursing literature often generate ideas for research studies.
●In summary, a familiarity with existing research or with problematic nursing issues that have yet to be understood and investigated is an important route to develop a research topic.

●Social issues
●Sometimes, topics are suggested by more global current social or political issues of relevance to the health care community. For example, the feminist movement has raised questions about such topics as gender equity, and domestic violence.
●Thus, an idea for a study may come from a familiarity with social concerns or problems.

●The fourth major source of research problems lies in the theoretical systems and conceptual schemes that have been developed in nursing and other related disciplines.
●Theories must be tested through research for their applicability to the hospital, class-room, and other nursing environments. For example, it might be hypothesized that primary nursing is more effective in conserving the patient's energy and social integrity than is team nursing.
●By developing measures of energy spending and social integration, this hypothesis could be tested scientifically.
جاري التحميل…
●Ideas from external sources
●External sources can sometimes provide the drive for a research idea. In some cases, a research topic may be given as a direct suggestion. For example, a faculty member may give students a list of topics from which to choose or may assign a specific topic to be studied. For example, in recent years, government agencies have requested a variety of AIDS-related research projects.
●Research ideas sometimes represent a response to priorities that are established within the nursing profession.

●Priorities for nursing research have been established by many nursing specialty practices. Priority lists can often serve as a useful starting point for exploring research topics.
●Ideas for studies emerge as a result of a brainstorming session. By discussing possible research topics with peers, advisers, or researchers with advanced skills, ideas often become clarified and sharpened or enriched and more fully developed. Professional conferences often provide an excellent opportunity for such discussions.

The actual procedures for developing a research topic are difficult to describe. The process is rarely a smooth and orderly one; there are likely to be many false starts, several motivations, and setbacks in the initial efforts to develop a research problem statement.

●Selecting a topic
●The development of a research problem is essentially a creative process that depends on imagination, insight, and cleverness.
●The important point is to put some ideas on paper. Examples of some broad topics that may come to mind include communication with patients, anxiety in hospitalized children, pain among cancer patients, postpartum depression, and postoperative loss of orientation.

●After this first step, the ideas can be sorted in terms of interest, knowledge, about the topics, and the perceived promise that the topics hold for a research project.
●When that most fruitful idea has been selected, the rest of the list should not be discarded; it may be necessary to return to it.

●Narrowing the topic
●Once you have identified one or more general topics of interest, you will need to begin asking questions that will lead to a researchable problem.
●The transformation of the general topic into a workable problem is typically accomplished in a number of uneven steps, involving a series of successive estimations. Each step should result in progress toward the goals of narrowing the scope of the problem, sharpening, and defining the concepts.
●Researchers choose the final problem to be studied based on several factors, including its interest to them and its compatibility with a paradigm of preference.

It is clear that a study cannot progress without the choice of a problem; it is less clear, but however true, that the problem and the research questions should be carefully stated in written form before proceeding with the design of the study or with field work. Putting one's ideas in writing is often sufficient to clarify ambiguities and uncertainties.

● Problem Statements
●A problem statement is an expression of the dilemma or disturbing situation that needs investigation for the purposes of providing understanding and direction.
●A problem statement identifies the nature of the problem that is being addressed in the study and, typically, its context and significance.
●Generally, the problem statement should be broad enough to include central concerns, but it also needs to be narrow enough in scope to serve as a guide to study design.

●Statement of Purpose
●The purpose statement establishes the general direction of the inquiry and provides an outline of its overall goal.
●The words purpose or goal usually appear in a purpose statement (e.g., the purpose of this study was…, or, the goal of this study was…), but sometimes the words intent, aim, or, objective are used instead.


Women with high-risk pregnancies
Prolonged bed rest experience
The purpose of this study was to explore the experience of prolonged bed rest from the perspective of women with high-risk pregnancies.
Homeless battered women
Patterns of violence, experience in shelter search
The purpose of this study was to describe reported patterns of violence of homeless battered women and their experiences in search for shelter.
Qualitative Studies
Expectant fathers
Discussion group intervention (IV)
Spousal relations (DV)
The purpose of this study was to determine whether the use of perinatal discussion groups for expectant fathers with an emphasis on teaching coping skills would positively influence spousal relations.
MI and CABG patients
Patient characteristics (IV)
Referral to outpatient cardiac rehabilitation (DV)
The purpose of this study is to examine patient characteristics that predict referral to outpatient cardiac rehabilitation following hospitalization for myocardial infarction (MI) or coronary artery bypass surgery (CABG).
Quantitative studies
Population or study group
Key concepts or variables
Statement of purpose

Research Questions
Research questions are direct rewording of statements of purpose, phrased questionably rather than declaratively, as in the following example:
●What is the relationship between the dependency level of renal transplant recipients and their rate of recovery?
●What is the process by which adult children make decisions regarding the placement of their elderly parents in nursing homes?
●The question form has the advantage of simplicity and directness. Questions invite an answer and help to focus the researcher's and the reader's attention on the kinds of data that would have to be collected to provide that answer.

Research Questions
●In a quantitative study, research questions identify the key variables (most often, the independent and dependent variables), the relationships among them if a relationship is being studied, and the population under study.
●In qualitative studies, the research questions often evolve and change over the course of the study. The research question is fairly bro
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