The eye itself, guide us not forget catching up in conclusion, tell us it's hardly what distinguishes "Charlie Chaplin" of different jobs, diversity of creatively rejects isolation, and its ability in portability as illustrated in the sample picked up by them, for then the pen between his fingers and to paint it, and submit it to the other so that his eyesight and see also Chaplin to show him as a handyman, dazzling art and the magnificence of the ancient style, originality, unique and attractive seduction, whether in the form of luminous image in mirror Transparent, don't carry us only a teaser message, a circumstance is rare and urgent or innocent joke generator to laugh and have fun, or whether on the contrary, in a strange personality, has been overshadowed by a different form, she be ambiguous characters face and disintegrated when the novel features balchzih, faded parts which were demolished at around catabolic, even reflected in a concave mirror and misleading her dark implying suffering and misery andGloom, warp shape inverted and distorted features double, becoming the new geometries in the charges and suspicions; but now, prayed the gather, and steady ttoslha, urgency urgent need makeup, who donated a restored qualitative benefit given, deserved profound vision, persuade it to reflect and provoke them to think and had to interpret, and called for understanding desire-driven analysis emanating from the heart, and vows in its operation process which has been combined with various possibilities open to interpretation and possible orbit many posed questions..?.