Every day, we witness both electronic and print media launching fierce attacks on the Islamic Republic of Iran on the issue of uranium enrichment at the Bushehr nuclear plant.
In fact, Iran is left to fend off relentless attacks pretty much from all quarters. The fact is that the attackers have nothing to arm themselves with but just a slew of baseless accusations and assumptions.
Iran is asked to stop uranium enrichment unconditionally, with immediate effect, and start cooperating with the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), or else, it is told, sanctions would follow. That’s not all; threats of air raid or even war are in the air.
Iran has always said that its uranium enrichment project is for scientific and other peaceful purposes like the production of energy.
Top Iranian officials have come out with unequivocal statements to the effect that there is absolutely no attempt to produce nuclear weapons. And this was confirmed by our reporter who recently visited the Bushehr reactor. But it is entirely another matter that the West is bent on creating bad blood between Iran and the international community. No wonder it casts doubts on the factual statements issued by the Iranian authorities regarding the nuclear project. In reality, however, the Western charges are groundless to the hilt.
Which Is Dangerous, Bushehr or Dimona?
Now let us assume that Iran does attempt to produce nuke weapons. As an independent country, it’s after all, within its right to take a conscientious decision in accordance with its needs and ambitions just like any other nuclear state. There exists no international law banning the possession of nuclear weapons, and if there is one, it is only fair that it be applied to all countries without any discrimination. Such laws, if applied to all nations, should result in the dismantling of not only the Iranian reactor but also all other nuclear reactors in the world.
The Dimona reactor of Israel, which is not far from Iran, is known to produce nuclear weapons. This was confirmed by none other than an Israeli scientist, Mordechai Vanunu who had worked in the plant and was put in prison for divulging the Israeli secret
النتائج (
العربية) 1:
كل يوم، ونحن نشهد وسائل الإعلام الإلكترونية والمطبوعة على حد سواء بدء هجمات عنيفة على "جمهورية إيران الإسلامية" فيما يتعلق بمسألة تخصيب اليورانيوم في محطة بوشهر النووية.في الواقع، هو ترك إيران صد هجمات بلا هوادة إلى حد كبير من جميع الجهات. والحقيقة أن المهاجمين لا تمت بصلة إلى تسليح أنفسهم مع لكن فقط عدد كبير من الاتهامات التي لا أساس لها والافتراضات.يطلب من إيران وقف تخصيب اليورانيوم دون قيد أو شرط، على الفور، وبدء التعاون مع وكالة الطاقة الذرية الدولية (الوكالة)، وأﻻ، فقال، أن متابعة الجزاءات. هذا ليس كل شيء؛ تهديدات من غارة جوية أو حتى من الحرب في الهواء.وأعلنت إيران دائماً أن مشروعها لتخصيب اليورانيوم العلمية وغيرها من الأغراض السلمية مثل إنتاج الطاقة.وقد يخرج كبار المسؤولين الإيرانيين بعبارات لا لبس فيها مفادها أن هناك على الإطلاق أي محاولة لإنتاج أسلحة نووية. وهذا ما أكده مراسلنا الذي قام مؤخرا بزيارة مفاعل بوشهر. ولكن ذلك أمر آخر تماما أن الغرب عازمة على خلق السيئ في الدم بين إيران والمجتمع الدولي. ولا عجب أن يلقي بالشكوك على بيانات واقعية صادرة عن السلطات الإيرانية بشأن المشروع النووي. ومع ذلك، في الواقع، الاتهامات الغربية لا أساس لها إلى أقصى طاقتها.هو أمر خطير، بوشهر أو مفاعل ديمونة؟Now let us assume that Iran does attempt to produce nuke weapons. As an independent country, it’s after all, within its right to take a conscientious decision in accordance with its needs and ambitions just like any other nuclear state. There exists no international law banning the possession of nuclear weapons, and if there is one, it is only fair that it be applied to all countries without any discrimination. Such laws, if applied to all nations, should result in the dismantling of not only the Iranian reactor but also all other nuclear reactors in the world.The Dimona reactor of Israel, which is not far from Iran, is known to produce nuclear weapons. This was confirmed by none other than an Israeli scientist, Mordechai Vanunu who had worked in the plant and was put in prison for divulging the Israeli secret
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