Everything is interrelated: war, terrorism, the police state, the glob ترجمة - Everything is interrelated: war, terrorism, the police state, the glob الكشف التلقائي كيف أقول

Everything is interrelated: war, te

Everything is interrelated: war, terrorism, the police state, the global economy, economic austerity, financial fraud, corrupt governments, poverty and social inequality, police violence, Al Qaeda, ISIS, media disinformation, racism, war propaganda weapons of mass destruction, the derogation of international law, the criminalization of politics, the CIA, the FBI, climate change, nuclear war, Fukushima, nuclear radiation, crimes against humanity, The China-Russia alliance, Syria Ukraine, NATO, false flags, 9/11 Truth, ….

An overall understanding of this Worldwide crisis is required: the last section deals briefly with reversing the tide of war, peace-making, instating social justice and real democracy.

This article includes a compendium of relevant citations (from my writings) pertaining to different dimensions of this global crisis. Citations from other authors are indicated in italics.

The hyperlinks in each of the paragraphs indicate the original source of the quotation.

The Globalization of War. America’s Long War against Humanity

1. The US has embarked on a military adventure, “a long war”, which threatens the future of humanity. US-NATO weapons of mass destruction are portrayed as instruments of peace.

2. Major military and covert intelligence operations are being undertaken simultaneously in the Middle East, Eastern Europe, sub-Saharan Africa, Central Asia and the Far East. The US military agenda combines both major theater operations as well as covert actions geared towards destabilizing sovereign states.

3. “[The] Five-year campaign plan [includes]… a total of seven countries, beginning with Iraq, then Syria, Lebanon, Libya, Iran, Somalia and Sudan.” General Wesley Clark in “Winning Modern Wars” (page 130)

4. In 2005, former Vice President Dick Cheney hinted, in no uncertain terms, that Iran was “right at the top of the list” of the “rogue enemies” of America, and that Israel would, so to speak, “be doing the bombing for us without being asked”, i.e without US military involvement and without us putting pressure on them “to do it”. This foreign policy stance still prevails under Obama.
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النتائج (الكشف التلقائي) 1: [نسخ]
Everything is interrelated: war, terrorism, the police state, the global economy, economic austerity, financial fraud, corrupt governments, poverty and social inequality, police violence, Al Qaeda, ISIS, media disinformation, racism, war propaganda weapons of mass destruction, the derogation of international law, the criminalization of politics, the CIA, the FBI, climate change, nuclear war, Fukushima, nuclear radiation, crimes against humanity, The China-Russia alliance, Syria Ukraine, NATO, false flags, 9/11 Truth, …. An overall understanding of this Worldwide crisis is required: the last section deals briefly with reversing the tide of war, peace-making, instating social justice and real democracy.This article includes a compendium of relevant citations (from my writings) pertaining to different dimensions of this global crisis. Citations from other authors are indicated in italics.The hyperlinks in each of the paragraphs indicate the original source of the quotation. The Globalization of War. America’s Long War against Humanity 1. The US has embarked on a military adventure, “a long war”, which threatens the future of humanity. US-NATO weapons of mass destruction are portrayed as instruments of peace.2. Major military and covert intelligence operations are being undertaken simultaneously in the Middle East, Eastern Europe, sub-Saharan Africa, Central Asia and the Far East. The US military agenda combines both major theater operations as well as covert actions geared towards destabilizing sovereign states.3."[] 五年行動計畫 [包括]...共七個國家,開始與伊拉克,然後敘利亞、 黎巴嫩、 利比亞、 伊朗、 索馬里和蘇丹。Wesley 克拉克將軍在"贏得現代戰爭"(第 130 頁)4.2005 年前, 副總統迪克 · 切尼暗示,毫不含糊地,伊朗是"右頂部的清單中"的"流氓敵人"的美國,和以色列會這麼說,"做我們不會被問及轟炸",即沒有美國的軍事介入和我們對他們"去做"的壓力。這種外交政策立場仍然盛行下奧巴馬。
يجري ترجمتها، يرجى الانتظار ..
النتائج (الكشف التلقائي) 2:[نسخ]
一切都是相互關聯的:戰爭,恐怖主義,警察國家,全球經濟,經濟緊縮,金融詐騙,腐敗的政府,貧困和社會不平等,警察暴力,基地組織,ISIS,媒體造謠,種族主義,大規模殺傷性戰爭宣傳的武器,國際法減損,政治犯罪,中央情報局,聯邦調查局,氣候變化,核戰爭,福島核輻射,危害人類罪,中國-俄羅斯的聯盟,敘利亞烏克蘭,北約,假標誌,9月11日真相,... 這個全球危機的一個全面的了解是必需的。最後一節涉及簡要扭轉戰爭,建立和平的浪潮中,instating社會正義和真正的民主這篇文章包含有關引文的綱要(從我的著作)有關這一全球性危機的不同層面。從其他作者引證文獻都顯示為斜體。在每個段落的超鏈接顯示報價的最初來源。戰爭的全球化。美國的長期戰爭反人類1。美國已經走上了軍事冒險,“長期戰爭”,威脅著人類的未來。大規模殺傷性美國與北約武器被描繪成和平的工具。2。主要的軍事和秘密情報行動正在同時進行,在中東,東歐,非洲撒哈拉以南地區,中亞和遠東地區。美國軍方議程結合了兩種主要的戰區作戰行動以及旨在破壞穩定的主權國家秘密行動。3。“那裡的五戰役計劃[包括] ...一共有七國,開始與伊拉克,然後敘利亞,黎巴嫩,利比亞,伊朗,索馬里和蘇丹。”在“贏得現代戰爭”(130頁)韋斯利·克拉克4。2005年,美國前副總統切尼暗示,毫不含糊,伊朗是“就在列表頂部的”美的“流氓的敵人”,而以色列會,可以這麼說,“是這樣的轟炸我們沒有被要求“,即沒有美國的軍事介入,並沒有我們施加壓力,他們”做“。這種外交政策立場仍然奧巴馬在盛行。

يجري ترجمتها، يرجى الانتظار ..
النتائج (الكشف التلقائي) 3:[نسخ]
一切都是相互關聯的:戰爭、恐怖主義、警詧國家、全球經濟、經濟緊縮、金融詐騙、政府腐敗、貧困和社會不平等,警詧暴力,基地組織,ISIS,媒體造謠,種族主義,戰爭文宣的大規模殺傷性武器,國際法的減損、政治、犯罪情報局,美國聯邦調查局,氣候變化,核戰爭,福島,核輻射,危害人類罪,中國-俄羅斯聯盟,烏克蘭敘利亞,北約,假旗,9 / 11的真相,…




2。在中東,東歐,撒哈拉以南的非洲,中亞和遠東地區的主要軍事和秘密情報行動正在進行的同時進行的。美國軍事議程集主要的戰區作戰,以及面向不穩定的主權國家的隱蔽行動。“[ [ [ ] ]五年的競選計畫[包括]七個國家,從伊拉克開始,然後敘利亞、黎巴嫩、利比亞、伊朗、索馬利亞和蘇丹。”克拉克衛斯理將軍在“贏得現代戰爭”(130頁)4。在2005,前副總統切尼暗示,毫不含糊,伊朗是“正確的”名單上的“流氓的敵人”的美國,和以色列會這麼說,“不要求”做為我們的轟炸,即沒有美國的軍事介入,我們不施加壓力他們“做”。這一外交政策的立場仍在奧巴馬下流行。
يجري ترجمتها، يرجى الانتظار ..
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