Father : My son and his pocket money...
I give Robert enough pocket money to eat at the school cafeteria for meal break.
Sometimes he would like to eat a little something special and he will ask for a little
more and most times he gets enough for that as well. So far so good.
There is a little kiosk in the school that sells stationeries. Recently he has been
bringing his savings to buy these extras that he obviously doesn’t need...it was okay
at first with the odd brand here and there... But recently, he started to purchase the
more expensive ones and this has led him to take more and more money to school!
My wife is as worried as me about the overspending. We have spoken to him
many times about it ,but it has become something like an addiction to him...
Everyday, he will buy something from that shop. His desk at home is littered with
more than enough stationery to last a few lifetimes...
Should we :
- keep his savings?
- reduce his allowance?
He is 9 years old. Talking doesn’t seem to help.