On releve un autre ensemble anomal sur l'ile Madame : trois longues ceintures etroites de
roches " du socle ", ainsi que de volumineuses
microbreches chloriteuses et une quantite
modeste de mylonite semi-ductile, separees des
successions a predominance de conglomerat par
des failles. A lower carboniferous two-stage extensional basin along the ... by Force, Eric R.; Barr, Sandra M. / Atlantic Geology The second one, of 325m in length, is targeted
at an anomal axis InfiniTem target corresponding to the tuffite intersected in holes
1288-04-09 and 1288-04-12 and is located
200m to the east of this latter one. Metco Resources Inc.: Matagami-Beginning of 2005 Drilling Programme by Business Wire Long term cycles of astronomical conditions