النتائج (
العربية) 1:
100:00:40,884 --> 00:00:43,339Technically speaking, I'm an alien.200:00:43,439 --> 00:00:48,274And from the perspectiveof immigration, an illegal one.300:00:49,501 --> 00:00:54,093My parents met at the university in SaintPetersburg where he taught astrophysics400:00:54,193 --> 00:00:57,149and she taught applied mathematics.500:00:57,249 --> 00:01:00,089My mother fell in love with himwhen she found him almost frozen to death600:01:00,189 --> 00:01:04,013on the bank of the Neva,staring at the stars.700:01:09,783 --> 00:01:13,749Tonight, the sky is completelyfull of miracles.800:01:15,411 --> 00:01:18,275My mother won't talk muchabout that time.900:01:18,375 --> 00:01:20,528But my aunt Nino told meabout my father.1000:01:20,628 --> 00:01:22,203Max...1100:01:22,303 --> 00:01:26,891His name was Maximilian Jonesand he was the son of an English diplomat1200:01:26,991 --> 00:01:30,414who always saw the best in people.1300:01:34,063 --> 00:01:36,275I often wonder if what happenedto my mother and father1400:01:36,375 --> 00:01:39,775changed me from someonewho might have seen the best in people1500:01:39,875 --> 00:01:42,328to someone who always expectsthe worst.1600:01:43,121 --> 00:01:45,242How's my Jupiter?1700:01:51,188 --> 00:01:53,943Not a planet. The planet.1800:01:54,043 --> 00:01:58,735The biggest and most beautiful planetin our solar system.1900:01:58,835 --> 00:02:02,876She is our Jupiter.2000:02:02,984 --> 00:02:07,252Over my dead bodywe will name her "Jupiter."2100:02:10,141 --> 00:02:15,034Soon you will discover that your mother canbe extraordinarily unreasonable at times.2200:02:15,837 --> 00:02:21,870But fortunately for us, she remainssusceptible to your father's particular...2300:02:22,949 --> 00:02:24,134charm.2400:02:38,896 --> 00:02:41,217No, oh, no, oh, no!No, not the telescope, please!2500:02:41,317 --> 00:02:43,855Don't take the telescope, please!2600:02:49,267 --> 00:02:52,113Max! Ma...2700:03:13,389 --> 00:03:17,671In her grief, my mother pushed everyoneexcept her sister out of her life.2800:03:22,245 --> 00:03:24,535Somewhere in the middleof the Atlantic,2900:03:24,635 --> 00:03:26,823she pushed me out too.3000:03:27,523 --> 00:03:29,969Pusha. Pusha!3100:03:34,052 --> 00:03:37,627I was born without a country.Without a home.3200:03:38,127 --> 00:03:40,184Without a father.3300:03:44,481 --> 00:03:47,678But I was born in the house of Leo...3400:03:50,701 --> 00:03:54,891with Jupiter rising at twenty-threedegrees ascendant.3500:03:56,870 --> 00:03:58,533According to my aunt,3600:03:58,633 --> 00:04:02,624this is supposed to meanthat I am destined for great things3700:04:02,724 --> 00:04:06,666and that I will findthe one true love of my life.3800:04:09,270 --> 00:04:11,960- Jupiter.- Coming!3900:04:12,060 --> 00:04:14,263- You finish the bathroom yet?- Not yet.4000:04:16,018 --> 00:04:19,056- We still have another house tonight.- I'll be fast.4100:04:20,108 --> 00:04:22,687Problem with astrology?4200:04:24,609 --> 00:04:27,234Total bullshit.4300:05:19,940 --> 00:05:22,713What was the name of this planet?4400:05:22,813 --> 00:05:25,251Zalintyre, I think.4500:05:26,237 --> 00:05:28,233Have you ever seen a harvest?4600:05:28,333 --> 00:05:31,729Oh, no. Never!4700:05:31,829 --> 00:05:34,735But I've heard they feel no pain.4800:05:34,835 --> 00:05:37,357It's all quite humane,from what I've been told.4900:05:37,558 --> 00:05:39,360Well, there are marshalsand administrators5000:05:39,460 --> 00:05:42,217to make sure everything's doneaccording to code, but still...5100:05:42,317 --> 00:05:44,939It can be rather... affecting.5200:05:45,339 --> 00:05:48,211Now you sound like Mother.5300:05:49,681 --> 00:05:54,123Most of them were miserable in their livesand what we do for them is a mercy.5400:05:54,423 --> 00:05:57,095Balem, thank you for responding.5500:05:57,195 --> 00:06:00,485We were just admiring this ledgerfrom your latest success.5600:06:00,585 --> 00:06:01,971Well done, brother.5700:06:02,071 --> 00:06:04,427The house of Abrasaxcontinues to thrive,5800:06:04,527 --> 00:06:07,582despite the squanderingof your inheritance, brother.5900:06:07,682 --> 00:06:10,304I must say, you're lookinga little worse for wear.6000:06:10,404 --> 00:06:13,193Could it be successdoes not agree with you?6100:06:13,293 --> 00:06:15,815And you look so well.6200:06:15,915 --> 00:06:18,787Could it be that failureagrees with you?6300:06:19,288 --> 00:06:22,870You may have inherited Mother's headfor business, but I inherited her heart.6400:06:22,970 --> 00:06:24,582And what does that leave me?6500:06:25,083 --> 00:06:27,037- Her beauty.- Liar.6600:06:27,137 --> 00:06:30,271- Her humor.- Her unluckiness in love?6700:06:30,371 --> 00:06:32,147Her fetish for wrinkles.6800:06:32,247 --> 00:06:34,468Well, if this is to be anotherof your eulogies, Titus,6900:06:34,568 --> 00:06:36,939I have more important mattersto attend.7000:06:37,039 --> 00:06:39,310It was her birthday recently.7100:06:39,410 --> 00:06:42,583You know I get sentimental, and I was goingthrough some of Mother's old sheave-work7200:06:42,683 --> 00:06:46,648and I came across a description of a planetshe claimed was the most rare7300:06:46,748 --> 00:06:50,733and beautiful estate she ever owned.7400:06:50,833 --> 00:06:54,223- I believe she named it...- Earth.7500:06:54,323 --> 00:06:58,415...earth. It was part of your inheritance,wasn't it, brother?7600:06:58,515 --> 00:07:00,839I was quite moved by her descriptionand I was wondering7700:07:00,939 --> 00:07:04,008if there was any chanceyou might be willing to part with it.7800:07:05,129 --> 00:07:08,901Titus, didn't you botherto look at the sheaves?7900:07:09,001 --> 00:07:11,756That planet is worth morethan all of your estates combined.8000:07:12,157 --> 00:07:13,961Really?8100:07:14,061 --> 00:07:16,394I had no idea.8200:07:20,072 --> 00:07:22,808- Kalique.- Balem.8300:07:51,182 --> 00:07:53,989Jupiter, get up!8400:07:54,505 --> 00:07:56,525Get up!8500:07:59,583 --> 00:08:02,170Jupiter, make the coffee. Come on.8600:08:03,506 --> 00:08:05,781I hate my life.8700:08:19,721 --> 00:08:21,140Jupiter, hurry up!8800:08:21,340 --> 00:08:23,361That one goes next to that one.8900:08:24,364 --> 00:08:26,818Jupiter! Get the garbage after this.9000:08:27,119 --> 00:08:29,920- You finish the bathroom?- No.9100:08:37,004 --> 00:08:38,006Jupiter!9200:08:38,306 --> 00:08:40,998I hate my life.9300:09:03,738 --> 00:09:05,058Damn it.9400:09:06,101 --> 00:09:07,848Told you.9500:09:12,006 --> 00:09:13,375Lycantant.9600:09:13,775 --> 00:09:15,762Another Hunter.9700:09:15,862 --> 00:09:18,610And ex-legion. He was a skyjacker.9800:09:19,210 --> 00:09:21,975- How do you know that?- The boots.9900:09:39,591 --> 00:09:43,216There was a Hunter in the legion.A legend.10000:09:43,366 --> 00:09:46,488Could track a single gene in the gyre.10100:09:46,588 --> 00:09:50,672No matter who or what he is...he's after our bounty.10200:11:53,032 --> 00:11:55,470That's him. It's got to be.10300:11:55,570 --> 00:11:57,674We should warn Lord Balem.10400:11:57,774 --> 00:11:59,764That is what we should do, but...10500:12:01,581 --> 00:12:03,347Do you trust me?10600:12:09,047 --> 00:12:11,051This matter must be handledwith delicacy, malidictes.10700:12:11,151 --> 00:12:12,971I understand, lady Kalique.10800:12:13,709 --> 00:12:16,620Neither Balem nor Titusmust suspect my involvement.10900:12:16,720 --> 00:12:19,282Of course, Your Majesty.11000:12:21,403 --> 00:12:24,042You believe The Hunters can be trusted?11100:12:24,142 --> 00:12:28,451Trust is an illusion, my lady.I believe only in mutual self-interest.11200:12:28,551 --> 00:12:32,058They want another life.We can offer it.11300:12:32,559 --> 00:12:34,846Make the deal.11400:13:41,808 --> 00:13:44,147Welcome back, Lord Balem.11500:13:44,247 --> 00:13:46,685It has been too long.11600:13:47,252 --> 00:13:51,511I have not crossed the vastnessof space for your pleasantries, Mr. Night.11700:13:51,711 --> 00:13:55,720Of course, My Lord.We have verified the geneprint.11800:13:56,421 --> 00:13:59,241Most unfortunate news.11900:13:59,894 --> 00:14:03,351I believe Titus is awareof the recurrence.12000:14:03,665 --> 00:14:07,260My spies whisperbut cannot substantiate.12100:14:08,809 --> 00:14:11,016So you have her print,but you don't have her?12200:14:11,816 --> 00:14:13,270Mr. Tskalikan.12300:14:13,370 --> 00:14:16,829The keepers traced the printto a medical clinic.12400:14:16,929 --> 00:14:19,309They're eliminating every lead.12500:14:19,582 --> 00:14:24,375We have a name. Dunlevy.Katherine Dunlevy.12600:14:25,408 --> 00:14:28,966Well, I want miss Dunlevy found...12700:14:29,066 --> 00:14:31,054and I want her dead.12800:14:32,163 --> 00:14:35,630Black. Classic? A la mode, a la m... No.12900:14:36,131 --> 00:14:37,500Katherine, I'm done.13000:14:37,900 --> 00:14:40,058Jupiter! Help, please?13100:14:40,159 --> 00:14:44,397- Wow, what's the occasion?- Austin Davis is taking me to dinner.13200:14:44,497 --> 00:14:47,687- I think he's gonna ask me to marry him!- Do you wanna marry him?13300:14:48,087 --> 00:14:51,360Jupiter, he's the number eight richestbachelor under thirty in America.13400:14:51,460 --> 00:14:53,231He speaks fluent Chinese and German,13500:14
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