Early signs of cash flow / liquidity problems such as delay in servicing of trade creditors / loans.
Inadequate or unreliable financial and other information such as audited financial statements not obtained or are not available.
The condition of and control over collateral is unsatisfactory.
Frequent changes in senior levels of management.
Failure to obtain proper documentation or non-cooperation by the borrower.
Slowdown in business or adverse trend in the operations that signals a potential weakness in the financial strength of the borrower, which has not reached a point where servicing of the loan is jeopardized.
Intra-group transfer of funds without underlying transactions.
Exposures to related parties on favorable terms.
Volatility in the economic or market conditions which may, in future, affect the borrower adversely.
Poor performance in the industry in which the borrower operates.
Borrower is the subject of litigation by third parties that may have a significant impact on his financial position.
Remain past due for 60 days or more but less than 90 days.