n the modality of "lived experience": good teaching must show or bring forth its object,
rather than simply interpret and impose meaning onto it.
Epiphany is obviously the essential component of Gumbrecht’s epistemological
conception of presence: presentification and deixis are much more “methodological” and
address possible applications of presence within the practice of the humanities. In our
eyes though, the definition of presence through epiphany is a weaker moment of the
book. One had been warned to expect an anti-climax, but a measure of disappointment
with "epiphany" is still justified: indeed, defining presence by it seems to establish
exactly the converse to the book's objectives, that is, far from coming nearer to
understanding the "tension" and "oscillation" of presence and meaning effects, a radical
separation is entrenched between them: presence is but a brief and ephemeral "moment
of intensity", isolated from and unrelated to the meaningfulness of everyday life. True,
Gumbrecht mentions Niklas Luhmann's thesis that a possibility to experience meaning
effects and presence effects in simultaneity may be found in art. True also, Gumbrecht
points out that such aesthetic epiphanies as can be found in art (but not only), despite
their insularity from everyday life, should be understood as giving rise to a general
experience (erleben) – and can be thus said to be meaningful since they reveal the very
nature of the things of the world. But he then states that this "epiphanic" experience,
insofar that it reactivates our bodily dimension, meets the things of the world "in their
pre-conceptual thingness" (118), or in other terms, in a form totally bereft of meaning.
The case for presence is thereby overstated, since no room is left for any role that
meaning might play in our bodily appropriation of the world. Significantly, Gumbrecht
embraces a Wittgensteinian vow of silence in his final chapter, enjoining us to “be quiet a
while” and renounce to produce meaning if we are to overcome the modern sense of
loss of the world induced by too much interpretation: he does not envisage nor suggest a
positive method (silence can hardly be characterized as such) for the humanities,
through which they could attempt, as Gumbrecht thinks they should, to investigate,
conceptualize and take control of the fundamental tension between meaning and
النتائج (
العربية) 1:
n أسلوب "عاش تجربة": تعليم جيد يجب إظهار أو طرح موضوعة،بدلاً من مجرد تفسير وفرض معنى على ذلك.من الواضح أن عيد الغطاس عنصرا أساسيا في جومبريتشت للمعرفيتصور للوجود: بريسينتيفيكيشن وديكسيس، أكثر بكثير من "المنهجية" وعنوان التطبيقات الممكنة للوجود داخل هذه الممارسة للعلوم الإنسانية. في موقعناعيون لو التعريف للوجود من خلال عيد الغطاس لحظة أضعف منالكتاب. وقد حذر أحد أن نتوقع ذروة المضادة، ولكن قدر من خيبة الأملمع "عيد الغطاس" لا يزال له ما يبرره: تعريف الوجود بأنه يبدو في الواقع، إنشاءالعكس تماما لأهداف هذا الكتاب، فتأتي بعيدة عن أقرب إلىفهم "التوتر" و "التذبذب" الوجود ومعنى آثار جذريةمحمي من الفصل بينهما: الوجود ولكن مختصر وسريع الزوال لحظةالكثافة "، معزولة عن ولا علاقة لها بدلالة الحياة اليومية. صحيح،جومبريتشت يذكر أطروحة نيكلاس لومان أن هناك إمكانية لتجربة معنىقد يتم العثور على آثار وتأثيرات الوجود في التزامن في الفن. صحيح أيضا، جومبريتشتوتشير إلى أن هذه التجليات الجمالية كما يمكن العثور عليها في الفن (ولكن ليس فقط)، وعلى الرغم منينبغي أن يفهم العزلة من الحياة اليومية، مما أدى إلى جنرالتجربة (ارليبين) – ويمكن القول وبالتالي أن تكون مجدية نظراً لأنها تكشف عن الغايةnature of the things of the world. But he then states that this "epiphanic" experience,insofar that it reactivates our bodily dimension, meets the things of the world "in theirpre-conceptual thingness" (118), or in other terms, in a form totally bereft of meaning.The case for presence is thereby overstated, since no room is left for any role thatmeaning might play in our bodily appropriation of the world. Significantly, Gumbrechtembraces a Wittgensteinian vow of silence in his final chapter, enjoining us to “be quiet awhile” and renounce to produce meaning if we are to overcome the modern sense ofloss of the world induced by too much interpretation: he does not envisage nor suggest apositive method (silence can hardly be characterized as such) for the humanities,through which they could attempt, as Gumbrecht thinks they should, to investigate,conceptualize and take control of the fundamental tension between meaning andpresence
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