Students’ ability in speaking
The research began since the reseacher realized that the
students had problem in speaking. Dispite SMP Negeri 1 Bojonegoro
is Rintisan Sekolah Bertaraf Internasional (RSBI), it does not mean
that all students can speak English well.
Actually, RSBI students are hoped to be able to speak English
fluently, accurately, acceptably, and as frequently as possible.
However, some of them have the same ability in speaking as the other
students in regular classes. When there was an observation and
interview, it could be seen that some students got difficulty in
speaking. As an illustration, the students felt stressed when they had a
turn in speaking. They became worried and sweaty. They understood
what teacher or friend talked to them, but they had difficulties when
they wanted to give a response. In addition, when they performed
speaking in class, they could not speak fluently, accurately, and
acceptably. The result of the pre-test showed that some students had
low ability in speaking. The low ability in speaking could be identified
from the low achievement of speaking test. The mean of the speaking
scores in pre test was not good for some students, namely 74 (Kriteria
Ketuntasan Minimal is 75).
The low ability in speaking was also identified from the
following indicators. Firstly, students had difficulties to express their
ideas using appropriate expressions. They sometimes used the
Indonesian expressions and their expressions were not acceptable.
Secondly, the students did not speak fluently. There were many fillers
or pauses during speaking. Thirdly, students often produced
mispronounced words. They pronounced some English words by
deducting spelling they often heard. Fourthly, students had difficulty in
choosing appropriate vocabulary and grammatical form. They
sometimes used Indonesian words and Indonesian grammatical form.