النتائج (
العربية) 1:
part of a child’s repertoire, which might be expressed or acted out in real-lifesituations. *us, these acts transgress the play scenario, which initially supportsthe child’s work on the artifact and “constitute[s] a domain in which there is afree construction in the imagination of rules and operations dierent from thoseadopted for ordinary ‘this-worldly’ praxis” (209).As shown in (gure 1, we might understand transformative play as functioningin several dimensions. In a basic sense, it opens up the play scenariofor new and creative acts as the prerequisite for transgressing its norms andrules. We can understand this as playfulness. On the group level (negotiation),playfulness functions as a prerequisite for transgressions transforming the playscenario. From this perspective, an individual child’s initiation of novel acts
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