To My ANGEL ( jungkook)
idk how to say this and or why am i nervous so im just going to go ahead ,
first of all i hope you are smiling and are happy right now, i hope you are feeling good and are healthy too .
you make me so happy and as weird and as stupid as it sounds you do make me happy, seeing you smile makes me feel so much better ,
and you have the voice of an angel, your voice is so soothing and sweet it calms me down so so much, i could listen to you sing forever if i could ,
i'm so lucky to have you in my life and i might never mean something to you but that still wouldn't change how much i support you ,
i do get worried about you a lot, bc your schedule is always busy and i'm sure you don't get enough rest but i hope u are taking few breaks
and i hope you are healthy, i always see in interviews how u always get frustrated after performances bc u feel like it's never good enough
but you're a really hard working guy and you do your best and u need to understand that it's okay to make mistakes .
i hope the boys never forget to remind you how special you are or how talented you are, and i hope you do the same too ,
i hope you never lose these boys bc i know how important they are to you and ik how important you are to them
i don't know you personally so it's not for me to say that i am "in love" with you but i truly do love you
not as in a fan and idol love but as in someone appreciating another love, again i know its stupid cus we never met
i'm so grateful for all of you and i believe in you all, you're all so dedicated and you never forget to give back to us.
thank you for never giving up on yourself jungkook and thank you for randomly coming into my life
You don't know how much I love your smile please smile a lot !