Franchisee intends to distribute the TW-Goods In the Territory (as defined hereinafter) through the opening In the Territory of v-stores (hereinafter referred to as the "TW-Stores') which carry exclusively TW·Goods. All TW-Stores are furnished and constructed in accordance with a concept developed by the Franchisor with respect to the Inside and outside furnishing and dispose of a minimum predetermined shopping area In square meters In accordance with the specificatlons of Tally Wei]1. TWStores are located only In urban regions wIth a catchment area of at least 50'000 Inhabitants and only in best shopping areas. II is absolutely necessary to comply with this concept in order to reach a certain envisaged tumover per year and Store as shall be determined from time to time by the Franchisor. Through the work of Its own designer-section, Tally WelJlls always In a position to adapt to any development of fashion and of customers' taste, In order to be able to offer within shortest time onglnal and attractive products.