Forth Night falls as the stars painted the dark blue sky. The moon is not that bright, but enough to shine Mark's eyes. Warm smile craves on his beautiful face. People always thought that being rich and famous is nice, when it actually not. Mark might get what he wants, but there's one thing that he long for since he enter highschool, love. Seeing lovers holding hands and hugging here and there making a tiny part of jealousy in him came out.
Mark never been in a serious relationship before since he knows everyone that ever come near him wants his money and fame. Mark only trust Jackson, JB and Youngjae. Only them.
He let out a soft sigh and leans on the wall, staring at the large moon outside his window. A knock on his door breaks his thought. "Come in" The door creak open and an old man come into view. The only man looks tired and worn out but the smile never leave his face. "Mark"
"Hi, dad. Why are you still up?", asked Mark while walking towards his dad.
"I'm hungry. Wanna grab some pizza?", his dad replied with another question. Mark smile and nod his head.
Mark grabs his favorite grey hoodie and walk out, following his dad. Mark's dad, Mr. Raymond Tuan is a very stern man with a kind and lovely heart. He knows Mark is lonely at home, therefore no matter how tired he is after working, he will sure spare some time with his one and only son. Both of them decided to walk instead of taking the car, Mr. Tuan said he wants to enjoy the night breeze only earning a snort from Mark.
Mr. Tuan aware that Mark has been spacing a lot these days making him wonder why. "What's wrong kiddo?" Mark hum confusedly and look at his dad. "What's wrong? Nothing. Everything is just fine", answers the boy while looking down at his feet.
Mr. Tuan snort. "Oh please, I might be old, but I'm not dumb yet"
Mark looks up at his father and rolled his eyes before let out a chuckle. "Sigh. I don't know what's wrong, dad" Mr. Tuan stop his steps and sit on the bench beside the clear road. He looks up at his son and pat the empty place next to him. Mark took the offer and settles down beside his old man. "You see, life will not always be on our side forever, Mark. But if we keep on moving forward and see the good side of everything, we might get the happiness we long for", said Mr. Tuan calmly.
Mark sigh again and lean back. "I don't know, dad. It just-"
"You don't know, you don't know and bla bla bla. What do you know? Do you even know anything? What's my name?", teased Mr. Tuan.
Mark gasps. "Dad!