Psychiatric health of male youths
Psychiatric health of juveniles and young offenders
Psychiatric morbidity is generally high in all prison populations compared to those in the general populations outside of custody.
Psychiatric health of male youths
In a survey undertaken by psychiatrists in England and Wales [9] of mental disorder in remand prisoners
18.9% of male youths were diagnosed as having a neurosis
1.9% a psychosis
11.7% a personality disorder
36.4% were either dependent on or using drugs of addiction in a harmful way.
In all, 30% had one psychiatric diagnosis, 17% had two, and 9% had three diagnoses.
By comparison, a survey of male youths carried out by researchers, from the same school [10], of the sentenced population, had found
5.7% with a neurosis,
0.2% with a psychosis,
14.15% with a personality disorder, and
18.67% with substance dependency or abuse.
With such high levels of psychiatric morbidity, and given their immaturity, it becomes clear why the period immediately after reception into custody on remand is a time of particular vulnerability in this age group.
Psychiatric health of female juvenile offenders
Most of the research on mental health problems in female juvenile offenders comes out of America. In other countries, because of the small numbers, female juvenile and young prisoners are included with adults.
A study from California (Kataoka, Zima, Dupre, Moreno, Yang, and McCracken 2001)[11] interviewed from December 1997 to July 1998, 54 female youths aged between 14-18 years incarcerated in a secure probation camp in Los Angeles County.
Overall 80% had symptoms of emotional disorder or a substance use problem.
28% had a clinical depression
28% an anxiety state
52% had an alcohol problem
52% a marijuana problem
37% had problems with other drugs, most commonly amphetamines and cocaine
59% were incarcerated for a violent offence.
These very high levels of psychiatric morbidity point to the need for extensive psychiatric resources for all juvenile and young offender establishments.
[9] Maden A, Taylor CJA, Brooke D, Gunn J. Mental Disorders in Remand Prisoners. London: Home Office: 1995
[10] Gunn M, Maden T, Swinton M. Mentally Abnormal Prisoners. London: Home Office; 1991
[11] Kataoka SH, Zima BT, Dupre DA, Moreno KA, Yang X, McCracken JT. Mental Health Problems and Service Use among Female Juvenile Offenders: their relationship to Criminal History. J Am Acad Child Adolesc Psychiatry 2001;40:549-55
النتائج (
العربية) 1:
الصحة النفسية للشباب الذكورالصحة النفسية للمجرمين الأحداث والشبابالاعتلال النفسي مرتفع عموما في جميع نزلاء السجون مقارنة بتلك التي في السكان عامة خارج الحضانة.الصحة النفسية للشباب الذكورفي دراسة استقصائية أجراها الأطباء النفسيين في إنكلترا وويلز [9] من الاضطراب العقلي في الحبس18.9 تم تشخيص في المائة شباب الذكور عصاب1.9 في المائة الذهاناضطراب نسبة 11.7 في المائة شخصية36.4 وكانت في المائة أما تعتمد على أو استخدام المخدرات من الإدمان بطريقة ضارة.في كل شيء، 30% وكان التشخيص النفسي واحد، 17% كان اثنان، و 9% كانت التشخيصات الثلاثة.وعلى سبيل المقارنة، وجدت دراسة استقصائية للشباب الذكور أجراها باحثون من نفس المدرسة [10]، للسكان المحكوم عليه،5.7 في المائة مع عصاب،0.2% مع ذهان،14.15% مع اضطراب في شخصية، و18.67% مع مادة التبعية أو إساءة المعاملة.مع هذه المستويات العالية من الإصابة بالأمراض النفسية، ونظرا لنضجهم، يصبح من الواضح لماذا فترة مباشرة بعد حفل الاستقبال في الحبس على ذمة التحقيق وقت تعرض بصفة خاصة في هذه الفئة العمرية.الصحة النفسية للمجرمين الأحداث الإناثويأتي معظم البحوث المتعلقة بمشاكل الصحة العقلية لدى المجرمين الأحداث الإناث خارج أمريكا. وفي بلدان أخرى بسبب الإعداد الصغيرة، السجينات الأحداث والشباب ترفق مع الكبار. A study from California (Kataoka, Zima, Dupre, Moreno, Yang, and McCracken 2001)[11] interviewed from December 1997 to July 1998, 54 female youths aged between 14-18 years incarcerated in a secure probation camp in Los Angeles County. Overall 80% had symptoms of emotional disorder or a substance use problem.28% had a clinical depression28% an anxiety state52% had an alcohol problem52% a marijuana problem37% had problems with other drugs, most commonly amphetamines and cocaine59% were incarcerated for a violent offence.These very high levels of psychiatric morbidity point to the need for extensive psychiatric resources for all juvenile and young offender establishments.[9] Maden A, Taylor CJA, Brooke D, Gunn J. Mental Disorders in Remand Prisoners. London: Home Office: 1995[10] Gunn M, Maden T, Swinton M. Mentally Abnormal Prisoners. London: Home Office; 1991[11] Kataoka SH, Zima BT, Dupre DA, Moreno KA, Yang X, McCracken JT. Mental Health Problems and Service Use among Female Juvenile Offenders: their relationship to Criminal History. J Am Acad Child Adolesc Psychiatry 2001;40:549-55
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