Production Capabilities and Future Missile Prospects
New Iranian space—launch facility under construction in 201 O.The launch infrastructure, presumably designed to accommodate
the Simorgh carrier rocket, includes a flame bucket to divert the large exhaust plume generated by the engine cluster consisting
of four No-dong engines.
establish firing tables and validate missile performe
ance, but for a single flight range of éookm.47 It is
therefore reasonable to conclude that future Iranian
missile-development programmes will include a
flight-testing effort that extends over at least two
years, and more likely three to five years, and involve
at a minimum half a dozen test launches. To achieve
a reasonable measure of reliability and confidence, a
dozen or more tests should be conducted.
Therefore, considering the historically derived
time estimate for a required flighttest programme to
be completed, Iran will not be able to field a liquid—
fuelled missile capable of targeting Western Europe
before 2013. Taking into account Iran’s own history
developing the Shahubes and Ghadrel, it is safe to
conclude that a 4,000—5,oool