However, Adobe recommends that non-developer Chrome users use Flash Player integrated with their browser. Using manually installed versions of Flash Player, by following the steps below, means that users no longer benefit from the automatic Flash Player updates that Chrome provides.
To install and use an alternate version of Flash Player:
Download and install the appropriate system plug-in. This plug-in could be a debugger, prerelease, or release version of Flash Player. (Archived release versions of the system plug-in are found here.)
Type “about:plugins” (without quotation marks) into the address bar at the top of a Chrome browser window.
Click “Details” at the upper-right corner of the page.
Find the “Flash” (or “Shockwave Flash”) listing for the integrated plug-in on the page and click the corresponding “Disable” button. To identify the integrated plug-in, see the table of plug-in filenames above.
Find the “Flash” (or “Shockwave Flash”) listing for the system plug-in on the page and click the corresponding “Enable” button. To identify the system plug-in, see the table of plug-in filenames above.
Close all Chrome windows and restart the browser.
Chrome uses the installed system plug-in. To confirm the version of Flash Player that is currently running in your browser, see Find Flash Player version (tn_15507).
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I can't view rich media content. How do I get Flash Player to turn on?
It's possible that you could have disabled Flash Player in Chrome. To reenable it:
Type “about:plugins” (without the quotation marks) into the address bar at the top of a Chrome browser window.
Click “Details” at the upper-right corner of the page.
Find the “Flash” (or “Shockwave Flash”) listing on the Plug-ins page and click the corresponding “Enable” button.
Close all Chrome windows and restart the browser.