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Pre-pay for all 8 courses in the Specialization, Capstone project, and Specialization Certificate, and get a special one-time discount.
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Purchase Foundations of Teaching for Learning 1: Introduction (¤ ٤٩), and pay for the rest of the Specialization as you progress.
Foundations of Teaching for Learning Specialization
Starts Nov 30. From ¤ ٤٩.
Foundations of Teaching for Learning Specialization
About This Specialization
Foundations of Teaching for Learning is a program of study primarily for people who are currently teaching, but have had little or no formal teacher education. It is an introductory program that considers the three domains of being a teacher: Professional Knowledge and Understanding; Professional Practice; and Professional Values, Relationships and Engagement. The Specialization concludes with a Capstone project that allows you to apply the skills you've learned throughout the courses.
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8 Courses
Capstone Project
Foundations of Teaching for Learning 1: Introduction
Upcoming session: Nov 30 — Jan 4
3-4 hours per week
About the Course
Foundations of Teaching for Learning is a program of study primarily for people who are currently teaching but have had no formal teacher education. This course is an introductory one that considers the three domains of being a teacher: Professional Knowledge and Understanding; Professional Practice; and Professional Values, Relationships and Engagement.
Announcement for US based teachers:
Coursera and its partners are proud to offer eligible teachers in the US free Course Certificates for this course and other high-quality teacher professional development courses, through the Connected effort announced by President Obama.
To participate in this opportunity, US district leaders simply need to approve Coursera teacher professional development by completing a brief form at: www.coursera.org/tpd.
US Teachers interested in this opportunity are also encouraged to follow the link to learn more and www.coursera.org/tpd.
Once a district’s form has been verified, the district leader will be notified and teachers in the district will receive access to free verified certificates for Coursera professional development.
Coursera and the Commonwealth Education Trust thank educators for the hard work they do every day and hope this opportunity will assist US teachers to continue developing their craft in a meaningful and flexible way.
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Foundations of Teaching for Learning 2: Being a Teacher
Upcoming session: Nov 30 — Jan 18
3-4 hours per week
About the Course
How we teach has its foundation in how we were taught and how we learned. This course provides an opportunity for you to reflect on your personal and professional development as a teacher. Through reflection and portfolio development you will enhance your knowledge and understanding of how to promote learning.
Announcement for US based teachers:
Coursera and its partners are proud to offer eligible teachers in the US free Course Certificates for this course and other high-quality teacher professional development courses, through the Connected effort announced by President Obama.
To participate in this opportunity, US district leaders simply need to approve Coursera teacher professional development by completing a brief form at: www.coursera.org/tpd.
US Teachers interested in this opportunity are also encouraged to follow the link to learn more and www.coursera.org/tpd.
Once a district’s form has been verified, the district leader will be notified and teachers in the district will receive access to free verified certificates for Coursera professional development.
Coursera and the Commonwealth Education Trust thank educators for the hard work they do every day and hope this opportunity will assist US teachers to continue developing their craft in a meaningful and flexible way.
More Details
Foundations of Teaching for Learning 3: Learners and Learning
Upcoming session: Nov 30 — Jan 18
3-4 hours per week
About the Course
The teacher’s work becomes meaningful when it is informed by research and theories of learning, and their relationship to actual practice. This course provides an opportunity for you to identify and understand students’ expectations and prior learning.
Announcement for US based teachers:
Coursera and its partners are proud to offer eligible teachers in the US free Course Certificates for this course and other high-quality teacher professional development courses, through the Connected effort announced by President Obama.
To participate in this opportunity, US district leaders simply need to approve Coursera teacher professional development by completing a brief form at: www.coursera.org/tpd.
US Teachers interested in this opportunity are also encouraged to follow the link to learn more and www.coursera.org/tpd.
Once a district’s form has been verified, the district leader will be notified and teachers in the district will receive access to free verified certificates for Coursera professional development.
Coursera and the Commonwealth Education Trust thank educators for the hard work they do every day and hope this opportunity will assist US teachers to continue developing their craft in a meaningful and flexible way.
More Details
Foundations of Teaching for Learning 4: Curriculum
Upcoming session: Nov 30 — Jan 18
3-4 hours per week
About the Course
Curriculum is a framework for guiding teaching and learning. This course provides an opportunity for you to consider the relationship between the teacher, the learner and the curriculum.
Announcement for US based teachers:
Coursera and its partners are proud to offer eligible teachers in the US free Course Certificates for this course and other high-quality teacher professional development courses, through the Connected effort announced by President Obama.
To participate in this opportunity, US district leaders simply need to approve Coursera teacher professional development by completing a brief form at: www.coursera.org/tpd.
US Teachers interested in this opportunity are also encouraged to follow the link to learn more and www.coursera.org/tpd.
Once a district’s form has been verified, the district leader will be notified and teachers in the district will receive access to free verified certificates for Coursera professional development.
Coursera and the Commonwealth Education Trust thank educators for the hard work they do every day and hope this opportunity will assist US teachers to continue developing their craft in a meaningful and flexible way.
More Details
Foundations of Teaching for Learning 5: Planning for Teaching and Learning
Upcoming session: Nov 30 — Jan 18
4-6 hours/week
About the Course
This course will help you consider how to develop appropriate learning goals for individual and groups of students. You will learn how to plan learning activities to engage your students in ways that will achieve these goals.
Announcement for US based teachers:
Coursera and its partners are proud to offer eligible teachers in the US free Course Certificates for this course and other high-quality teacher professional development courses, through the Connected effort announced by President Obama.
To participate in this opportunity, US district leaders simply need to approve Coursera teacher professional development by completing a brief form at: www.coursera.org/tpd.
US Teachers interested in this opportunity are also encouraged to follow the link to learn more and www.coursera.org/tpd.
Once a district’s form has been verified, the district leader will be notified and teachers in the district will receive access to free verified certificates for Coursera professional development.
Coursera and the Commonwealth Education Trust thank educators for the hard work they do every day and hope this opportunity will assist US teachers to continue developing their craft in a meaningful and flexible way.
More Details
Foundations of Teaching for Learning 6: Introduction to Student Assessment
Upcoming session: Nov 30 — Jan 18
About the Course
You will consider various techniques which help to assess student learning. The course also will help you to acquire the skills to develop and use appropriate assessment procedures.
This course is part of the Foundations of Teaching for Learning program which is designed to assist people who are currently teaching but have had no formal teacher education improve their understanding of their role and work as a teacher. This set of courses will enhance your knowledge and understanding about learning and teaching and what makes a teacher a professional.
Practical activities are provided to assist you in using what you have learned to improve your teaching practice. While these are optional, it is strongly recommended that you undertake them if at all possible.
Of particular importance is a guide to the development of a portfolio to help you organize and document your thinking about what you have learned. In addition, you may be able to use the portfolio to access other opportunities in the future.
Announcement for US based teachers:
Coursera and its partners are proud to offer eligible teachers in the US free Verified Certificates for this course and other high-quality teacher professional development courses, through the ConnectED effort announced by President Obama.
To participate in this opportunity, US district leaders simply need to approve Coursera teacher professional development by completing a brief form at: www.coursera.org/tpd.
US Teachers interested in this opportunity are also encouraged to follow the link to learn more and www.coursera.org/tpd.
Once a district’s form has been verified, the district leader will be notified an
النتائج (
العربية) 1:
التعلمقبل الدفع • ¤ ٤٤١ ¤ ٣٩٦ 10 ٪الدفع المسبق لكل 8 دورات في التخصص، كابستون المشروع، و "شهادة التخصص"، والحصول على خصم خاص مرة واحدة.دفع بدوره • ¤ ٤٩شراء "المؤسسات التعليمية" للتعلم 1: مقدمة (¤ ٤٩)، ودفع لبقية التخصص كما تقدم لك.التسجيل✕أسس التدريس التعلم التخصصويبدأ يوم 30 نوفمبر. من ¤ ٤٩.التسجيلأسس التدريس التعلم التخصصحول هذا التخصصأسس التدريس للتعلم هو برنامج الدراسة أساسا للأشخاص الذين يتم التدريس حاليا، ولكن كان التعليم المعلم الرسمي قليلاً أو لا. وهو برنامج استهلالية التي تعتبر مجالات ثلاثة يجري معلم: المعرفة المهنية والتفاهم؛ الممارسة المهنية؛ والقيم المهنية والعلاقات والمشاركة. التخصص يختتم مشروع كابستون يسمح لك بتطبيق المهارات التي كنت قد تعلمت طوال الدورات.تم إنشاؤها بواسطة: شعار الشريكالدورات 8+المشروع كابستون=شهادةالدورات التدريبيةدورة 1أسس التدريس للتعلم 1: مقدمةالدورة المقبلة: 30 نوفمبر – 4 كانون الثانيالالتزام3-4 ساعات أسبوعياحول الدورة التدريبيةأسس التدريس للتعلم هو برنامج الدراسة أساسا للأشخاص الذين يتم التدريس حاليا ولكن كان أي تعليم المعلم الرسمي. هذا بالطبع هو استهلالي الذي يعتبر ثلاثة مجالات يجري معلم: المعرفة المهنية والتفاهم؛ الممارسة المهنية؛ والقيم المهنية والعلاقات والمشاركة.إعلان الولايات المتحدة القائمة على المعلمين:كورسيرا وشركائها فخورون لتقديم المعلمين المؤهلين في الولايات المتحدة مجاناً "شهادات الدورة التدريبية" لهذه الدورة وغيرها من الدورات التنمية المهنية المعلم عالية الجودة، من خلال جهد متصل أعلن الرئيس أوباما.للمشاركة في هذه الفرصة، ببساطة الحاجة قادة مقاطعة الولايات المتحدة للموافقة على كورسيرا المعلم التنمية المهنية عن طريق إكمال نموذج مختصر في: www.coursera.org/tpd.الولايات المتحدة المعلمين المهتمين بهذه الفرصة مدعوة أيضا تتبع الارتباطات لمعرفة المزيد و www.coursera.org/tpd.بمجرد تم التحقق من نموذج حي وسيتم إبلاغ قائد منطقة وسوف يتلقى المدرسون في المنطقة الوصول المجاني التحقق من الشهادات للتنمية المهنية كورسيرا.كورسيرا ورابطة التعليم الصندوق الاستئماني أشكر المعلمين على العمل الشاق يفعلون كل يوم وآمل أن هذه الفرصة سوف تساعد المدرسين الولايات المتحدة على مواصلة تطوير حرفتهم بطريقة مرنة وذات مغزى.مزيد من التفاصيلدورة 2أسس التدريس للتعلم 2: يجري معلمالدورة المقبلة: 30 نوفمبر – 18 ينايرالالتزام3-4 ساعات أسبوعياحول الدورة التدريبيةوقد تأسيسها في كيف كانت تدرس وكيف تعلمنا كيف نعلمه. هذا بالطبع يوفر فرصة لك لتعكس الخاص بك التنمية الشخصية والمهنية كمدرس. من خلال تطوير التفكير واستثمارات سوف تعزيز المعرفة والفهم لكيفية النهوض بالتعليم الخاص.إعلان الولايات المتحدة القائمة على المعلمين:كورسيرا وشركائها فخورون لتقديم المعلمين المؤهلين في الولايات المتحدة مجاناً "شهادات الدورة التدريبية" لهذه الدورة وغيرها من الدورات التنمية المهنية المعلم عالية الجودة، من خلال جهد متصل أعلن الرئيس أوباما.للمشاركة في هذه الفرصة، ببساطة الحاجة قادة مقاطعة الولايات المتحدة للموافقة على كورسيرا المعلم التنمية المهنية عن طريق إكمال نموذج مختصر في: www.coursera.org/tpd.الولايات المتحدة المعلمين المهتمين بهذه الفرصة مدعوة أيضا تتبع الارتباطات لمعرفة المزيد و www.coursera.org/tpd.بمجرد تم التحقق من نموذج حي وسيتم إبلاغ قائد منطقة وسوف يتلقى المدرسون في المنطقة الوصول المجاني التحقق من الشهادات للتنمية المهنية كورسيرا.كورسيرا ورابطة التعليم الصندوق الاستئماني أشكر المعلمين على العمل الشاق يفعلون كل يوم وآمل أن هذه الفرصة سوف تساعد المدرسين الولايات المتحدة على مواصلة تطوير حرفتهم بطريقة مرنة وذات مغزى.مزيد من التفاصيلدورة 3أسس التدريس للتعلم 3: التعلم والمتعلمينUpcoming session: Nov 30 — Jan 18Commitment3-4 hours per weekAbout the CourseThe teacher’s work becomes meaningful when it is informed by research and theories of learning, and their relationship to actual practice. This course provides an opportunity for you to identify and understand students’ expectations and prior learning.Announcement for US based teachers:Coursera and its partners are proud to offer eligible teachers in the US free Course Certificates for this course and other high-quality teacher professional development courses, through the Connected effort announced by President Obama.To participate in this opportunity, US district leaders simply need to approve Coursera teacher professional development by completing a brief form at: www.coursera.org/tpd.US Teachers interested in this opportunity are also encouraged to follow the link to learn more and www.coursera.org/tpd.Once a district’s form has been verified, the district leader will be notified and teachers in the district will receive access to free verified certificates for Coursera professional development.Coursera and the Commonwealth Education Trust thank educators for the hard work they do every day and hope this opportunity will assist US teachers to continue developing their craft in a meaningful and flexible way.More DetailsCOURSE 4Foundations of Teaching for Learning 4: CurriculumUpcoming session: Nov 30 — Jan 18Commitment3-4 hours per weekAbout the CourseCurriculum is a framework for guiding teaching and learning. This course provides an opportunity for you to consider the relationship between the teacher, the learner and the curriculum.Announcement for US based teachers:Coursera and its partners are proud to offer eligible teachers in the US free Course Certificates for this course and other high-quality teacher professional development courses, through the Connected effort announced by President Obama.To participate in this opportunity, US district leaders simply need to approve Coursera teacher professional development by completing a brief form at: www.coursera.org/tpd.US Teachers interested in this opportunity are also encouraged to follow the link to learn more and www.coursera.org/tpd.Once a district’s form has been verified, the district leader will be notified and teachers in the district will receive access to free verified certificates for Coursera professional development.Coursera and the Commonwealth Education Trust thank educators for the hard work they do every day and hope this opportunity will assist US teachers to continue developing their craft in a meaningful and flexible way.More DetailsCOURSE 5Foundations of Teaching for Learning 5: Planning for Teaching and LearningUpcoming session: Nov 30 — Jan 18Commitment4-6 hours/weekAbout the CourseThis course will help you consider how to develop appropriate learning goals for individual and groups of students. You will learn how to plan learning activities to engage your students in ways that will achieve these goals.Announcement for US based teachers:Coursera and its partners are proud to offer eligible teachers in the US free Course Certificates for this course and other high-quality teacher professional development courses, through the Connected effort announced by President Obama.To participate in this opportunity, US district leaders simply need to approve Coursera teacher professional development by completing a brief form at: www.coursera.org/tpd.US Teachers interested in this opportunity are also encouraged to follow the link to learn more and www.coursera.org/tpd.Once a district’s form has been verified, the district leader will be notified and teachers in the district will receive access to free verified certificates for Coursera professional development.Coursera and the Commonwealth Education Trust thank educators for the hard work they do every day and hope this opportunity will assist US teachers to continue developing their craft in a meaningful and flexible way.More DetailsCOURSE 6Foundations of Teaching for Learning 6: Introduction to Student AssessmentUpcoming session: Nov 30 — Jan 18About the CourseYou will consider various techniques which help to assess student learning. The course also will help you to acquire the skills to develop and use appropriate assessment procedures. This course is part of the Foundations of Teaching for Learning program which is designed to assist people who are currently teaching but have had no formal teacher education improve their understanding of their role and work as a teacher. This set of courses will enhance your knowledge and understanding about learning and teaching and what makes a teacher a professional. Practical activities are provided to assist you in using what you have learned to improve your teaching practice. While these are optional, it is strongly recommended that you undertake them if at all possible.Of particular importance is a guide to the development of a portfolio to help you organize and document your thinking about what you have learned. In addition, you may be able to use the portfolio to access other opportunities in the future.Announcement for US based teachers:Coursera and its partners are proud to offer eligible teachers in the US free Verified Certificates for this course and other high-quality teacher professional development courses, through the ConnectED effort announced by President Obama.To participate in this opportunity, US district leaders simply need to approve Coursera teacher professional development by completing a brief form at: www.coursera.org/tpd.US Teachers interested in this opportunity are also encouraged to follow the link to learn more and www.coursera.org/tpd.Once a district’s form has been verified, the district leader will be notified an
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