According to the pattern of mental operation, and time
property of imagined goals, imagination includes three parts:
reproductive imagination, creative imagination, and
predictive imagination. (6) Zhang (27) thought that
reproductive imagination was the reorganization of past
experiences and reproduce in our memory. Reproductive
imagination is related to the memory of the past experiences
which is abstracted from the brain. Zhang (27) pointed that
creative thinking was that people consciously reorganized
the past experiences, and attempted to transcend the past
experiences to produce new constructs. Those new
constructs belonged to non-existing knowledge area beyond
the temporal constrains. Imagination is a possible and
non-factual thinking which think about what the things might
be, not what the present facts ought to be (White, 1990;cited
in 17). Barrow (3) indicated that imagination is the ability to
imagine unusual things. In short, imagination is a construct
of beyond reality and pre-existing knowledge which belongs
to the construct of creative imagination. Wu (24) indicated
that the definition of future imagination tendency was that
individuals have intended to attend the future thinking
activities, and were accustomed to systematically and
critically think about the cause-effect speculation, and
construct possible future plots. Because future is
unpredicted, people could imagine the trends and
development of the future, and prepare in advance. Wu,
Chang, Chen, and Chiu (25) concluded that future
imagination tendency included positive feeling, beyond
reality, cause-effect speculation, and vision construction
through literature review and factor analysis. Chen (6)
indicated that future imagination is a kind of imagination
activities through the future time contexts, including creative
imagination and predictive imagination, and also the future
thinking process which is based on imagination. Apparently,
people with future imagination tendency depended on their
imagination. Future imagination tendency is closely
connected with the imagination
النتائج (
العربية) 1:
ووفقا لنمط العقلية العملية، والوقتوتشمل ممتلكات أهداف يتصور، الخيال ثلاثة أجزاء:الإنجابية الخيال، والخيال الإبداعي، والخيال التنبؤية. (6) تشانغ (27) يعتقد أنالخيال الإنجابية هي إعادة تنظيم الماضيالخبرات وتتكاثر في ذاكرتنا. الإنجابيةالخيال مرتبط بذاكرة تجارب الماضيهو تلخيص من الدماغ. أشار تشانغ (27)التفكير الإبداعي هو أن الناس عن وعي تنظيمتجارب الماضي، ومحاولة لتجاوز الماضيتجارب لإنتاج بنيات جديدة. تلك الجديدةبنيات تنتمي إلى مجال المعرفة غير موجودة خارجيقيد الزمانية. الخيال محتمل والتفكير غير الواقعية التي نفكر ما هي الأشياء التي قديكون، لا ما الوقائع الحالية ينبغي أن تكون (الأبيض، استشهد عام 1990؛في 17). بارو (3) أشارت إلى أن الخيال هو القدرة علىتخيل أشياء غير عادية. وباختصار، الخيال بناءمن وراء الحقيقة والمعرفة الموجودة مسبقاً التي ينتمي إليهالبناء الخيال الإبداعي. وو (24) أشارت إلىأن تعريف ميل خيال المستقبل أنقد يقصد بها الأفراد لحضور التفكير المستقبليالأنشطة، وقد اعتادوا بشكل منهجي وأعتقد حاسمة حول التكهنات بالسبب والنتيجة، وبناء قطع المستقبلية المحتملة. لأن المستقبلالهائل، ويمكن أن يتصور الناس الاتجاهات وdevelopment of the future, and prepare in advance. Wu,Chang, Chen, and Chiu (25) concluded that futureimagination tendency included positive feeling, beyondreality, cause-effect speculation, and vision constructionthrough literature review and factor analysis. Chen (6)indicated that future imagination is a kind of imaginationactivities through the future time contexts, including creativeimagination and predictive imagination, and also the futurethinking process which is based on imagination. Apparently,people with future imagination tendency depended on theirimagination. Future imagination tendency is closelyconnected with the imagination
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