Thank you for letting us SHARE our experiences in learning the English language! I am not going to say that I am an advanced learner, but rather you can consider me as a guy who thinks that the English language is his life! Don't get me wrong, I am not overreacting; as I really DO love this language! Now, let us move to the purpose of being here! I will try to transfer my own little experience to my friends on my beloved forum, English4arab! The first thing I want to say is that learning a language means that you have to have the ability to fully understand this language, no matter how, no matter what means you are going to use to achieve this goal, but try not to be depressed at the very beginning; as you will face some problems as you go through the process of learning that language! Secondly, after deep understanding of this fact that you will use everything that can be used to learn English, you have to really understand that the process of learning a language needs time. So, the second fact is that learning a language won't be done by a Genie, but you want to know that it might take a few years to master the English language! Notice that most of the English learners don't study English in its countries (OR- Notice that most the English learners don't study English in countries where English is spoken), so they really have a hard time learning English! I, also, am having a hard time learning English in Egypt; because I don't find anyone, who speaks English, to practice with! And I am surrounded by Arabic speakers which means that the way of learning English is not as easy as one might think; however, there is always a way to go! What I want to say is that you can even speak with yourself! Don't be surprised, since it works with me, then it can be very effective with anyone else, on one condition, you must love English as much as I love it do! From this point, I can take you to an important thing that can really help, it ain't isn't ain't is informal) only about talking with yourself, but you have to listen to yourself as well! You can easily do this by recording yourself speaking English! It's also a perfect way to figure out what you're doing! The first time ,I listened