{50}{122}[big band music playing]
{122}{242}[all snoring]
{927}{985}[all grunt]
{985}{1055}He's so cute when he sleeps!
{1057}{1089}Our little angel!
{1089}{1140}Shh, don't wake him up!
{1140}{1194}Happy birthday, Timmy!
{1194}{1247}Wanda? Cosmo? What are you
{1249}{1266}GUYS, crazy?
{1266}{1302}You're a grown man still
{1302}{1338}wearing horsey pajamas, and
{1338}{1386}you're asking if we're crazy?
{1386}{1437}Crazy with excitement!
{1437}{1503}Happy 23rd birthday, Timmy
{1559}{1607}Whoa! Thanks, guys!
{1607}{1644}Go ahead, Poof. Give it to
{1709}{1725}Thanks, Poof!
{1725}{1788}Poof Poof.
{1788}{1815}But you know what I'd really
{1816}{1859}love is to get those first words
{1859}{1890}out. Come on, buddy. Let's hear
{1890}{1914}them. What are they, Poof? Come
{1943}{1965}I think he's going to do it!
{2079}{2111}Well, maybe next time.
{2111}{2216}[squeals]|Open it quick! It's from me!|If you like it, that is.
{2216}{2333}Oh, a sword?|I hope he likes it!|Wait. You mean--
{2333}{2469}birthday pirate battle!|whoa!|Oh!
{2469}{2617}[all scream]|Ha!|Avast, ye salty peanuts!
{2752}{2799}[all grunting]
{2799}{2971}Aah!|To the right! To the left!|Everything you own in a box to
{2971}{3148}the left!|[all grunting]|Whoo-hoo!
{3148}{3313}[pirates snarl]|[all grunt]|Aah!
{3313}{3436}Behind you!|[both grunting]|[panting]
{3436}{3543}Little help, guys?|[squeaks and grunts]|If you die, can I have your
{3543}{3702}bike?|Ohh! Aah!|[snickering]
{3704}{3780}[grunts]|Nice one, Timmy!|[chuckles]
{3865}{3989}You're a worthy adversary,|Timmy Turner. Happy birthday.|Thanks. See you guys next
{3989}{4089}Birthday.|Arr!|Yep. My birthdays just keep
{4089}{4175}getting better every year,|thanks to you guys.|[giggles]
{4177}{4299}Don't we always have the best time?|I can't tell time.
{4299}{4452}Timmy Turner. This is the last|birthday party you and your|fairies will ever have together.
{4452}{4566}By the way, happy birthday.|Ooh!|Whoa.
{4566}{4703}"Da Rules"?|Yes. And look at this right here.|Page 1438, paragraph 3,
{4705}{4818}“A fairies|when he grows up--“|not me...
{4818}{4890}"he leaves home--"|not me...|Yeah!
{4892}{4993}"Or experiences life's|true magic, love."|Well?
{4993}{5130}Again, not me. The only girl I ever|kissed was Tootie. It was|13 years ago, it was forced upon
{5130}{5228}Me, and I did not enjoy it.|Look out!|[squeaks]
{5282}{5409}Anyway, she moved away, and|no one ever saw her again. So|love? Not even an issue.
{5409}{5519}True. According to Timmy's love|meter, he's not in love.|[giggles]
{5521}{5610}This is not a game!|The longer you keep Cosmo,|Wanda, and Poof, the more you
{5610}{5721}put them in danger of being|exposed to capture.|Like I said, not an issue.
{5721}{5883}Relax. Have some cake.|Keep your cake. Inevitable|fairy-go-bye-bye party. I will
{5883}{6080}find a way. I will make you grow|up. I am Jorgen, the most|powerful fairy ever!
{6080}{6221}[laughs]|Can I have some cake?|[trills]
{6221}{6420}Happy birthday, Timmy!|[both giggle]|The want ads?
{6420}{6550}[gasps] really? Ooh! They need|unskilled workers at that|new dynamite factory. Sounds
{6550}{6749}exciting and dangerous!|Quick, open mine!|[trills] Home rental listings!
{6749}{6863}Ooh!|[giggles] ooh, look here!|"quaint 2-bedroom, perfect for
{6863}{6946}starting a family or simply|moving out of your parents'|house!"
{6946}{7028}[both laugh]|This is the same stuff you|guys got me last year.
{7028}{7145}[both laugh]|I know it sounds way too good|to be true, but I'm never
{7145}{7247}Leaving you guys, I'm never|getting a job, and I'm never|getting married. I just love you
{7247}{7415}both way too much. Love,|love, love, love, love.|Well, ha! You have to leave,
{7415}{7537}because your mother and I just|sold the house. We're finally|going on our dream vacation
{7537}{7661}around the world.|[both giggle]|Well, what can I say?
{7661}{7781}I really wish you hadn't|sold the house.|Huh?
{7781}{7999}[tires squeal]|[humming]|r Sorry!
{7999}{8069}Oh!|G [grunts]|ot to go! Love you guys“
{8069}{8210}Love school. Never leaving.|Love, love, love, love, love!|[whimpers]
{8210}{8408}[both crying]|Why won't our son grow up?|[crying]
{8408}{8543}[bell dings]
{8753}{8873}Well, look who it is trashing my|day care--the biggest twerp|in Dimmsdale, Timmy Turner.
{9032}{9101}Yecch. Icky Vicky.|[laughter]|Still molding young minds, I
{9101}{9185}see.|[grunting]|Don't you shake your ba-bas
{9185}{9300}at me. It's not snacktime|till I say it's snacktime.|[grunting]
{9300}{9377}And nothing enhances snacktime|like moldy, rotten|string cheese in your ba-bas,
{9377}{9485}Huh, kids?|[giggling]|[screaming]
{9485}{9566}This isn't over, Timmy Turner!|[school bell rings]
{9566}{9746}[indistinct talking]|[indistinct muttering]|Ugh!
{9746}{9866}Riddle me this, class. How does|a 23-year-old man still|manage to stay in the fifth
{9866}{10009}grade all these years?|How does he do it? How is|it even possible? Hmm?
{10009}{10138}Oh, boy. Here we go.|Yes! Now, I remember.|He has--
{10138}{10199}[children gasp]|Fairy godparents!|Fairy godparents!
{10199}{10310}Fairy godparents!|Ohh.|Well, I've been in this class
{10312}{10400}for 13 years. How come no one's|ever seen these fairy godparents?
{10400}{10556}Oh, they will, Turner. See, I know|you're remaining childlike|in order to keep your fairies.
{10556}{10706}And I'll play along with your game,|'cause soon, I will catch|them, and then, it will be I,
{10706}{10783}Mr. Denzel Crocker, who will be|making the wishes around here!
{10783}{10903}Heh.|Go on. Make a wish.|I dare you.
{11084}{11249}OK.|I wish you had the atomic runs.|[groaning]
{11249}{11396}[chuckles]|I need to use the restroom.|Silent study until I return.
{11396}{11519}Enjoy this one, Turner, because|it will be your last.|[flatulence]
{11519}{11587}Oh! [groaning]|[laughter]|[flatulence]
{11587}{11744}Make way! Coming through!|Silent study? Boring! Who'd|rather play dodgeball?
{11744}{11837}Yeah!|[cheering and laughter]
{11837}{12086}Hall passes, people! Hall|passes! Ow! Ow! Ow!|Best day ever. Crocker has
{12086}{12179}diarrhea. And school is let out early|due to impending tornadoes.
{12179}{12284}When it's totally sunny out.|Crazy, huh, mouse?|Crazy? If getting out of
{12284}{12381}school early on my birthday and|having more time to be a kid is|crazy, well, then, people, strap
{12381}{12468}me in a straightjacket.|Later, Timmy.|See ya.
{12468}{12603}[indistinct shout]|I told you I would find a way|to get you to grow up, and I
{12603}{12696}finally did. Cupid's love arrows!|A shot from one of these
{12696}{12791}puppies, and Timmy will|fall in love with the first|thing he sees. Then, he'll be
{12792}{12867}grown up and must give back|the fairies! Ugh!
{12867}{12987}You're mine forever. I'll love|you till the end of time.|I love school. Love, love,
{13161}{13266}Love, love.|Come back! I love you!|I hate you, Timmy Turner!
{13268}{13416}[cell phone rings]|Hey, guys.|We are so proud of you,
{13416}{13533}Timmy!|We'll always be together!|You got that right. There is
{13533}{13619}nothing in this world I'd ever|give you guys up for.
{13619}{13739}Aah!|[all exclaim]|Timmy! Are you ok?
{14019}{14106}Yeah.|Good. Then can we do|it again? It was fun!
{14108}{14220}Yeah, sure. I just--|As the mayor of Dimmsdale,|it is my honor to present
{14220}{14370}The president and CEO of Magnate|and Power, Mr. Hugh J. Magnate Jr.!
{14372}{14484}[cheering and applause]|Thank you.|[indistinct talking]
{14484}{14651}Thank you, your honor. That's|quite a handsome goat you got|there. [laughs]
{14651}{14771}[orchestral music playing]|Thank you. Ladies and gentlemen,|ever since daddy
{14771}{14940}slapped a shovel in my little hand,|I have been looking for|fuel to run our everyday lives.
{14940}{15119}And so, when my high-tech|thermal satellites detected|a massive, untapped combustible
{15120}{15363}resource field under the city,|I decided to come here to|Dummsdale and... see for myself.
{15453}{15600}Dimmsdale.|Well, whatever. Dim, Dum.|What difference does it make? By
{15600}{15681}the time I'm done with this place,|you're going to want to|change the name to Stinking
{15681}{15845}Richdale. [laughs]|[cheering and applause]|Timmy! What are we doing?
{15845}{15965}[applause continues]|Thank you. Thank you. Please.|May I present...The Magnate
{16161}{16328}Power Oil Well Hotel, to be|built on the site of this|grotty, stinky, yucky, pokey
{16328}{16520}little park. It will produce 1,000|jigabots of filthy, yet|reasonably affordable, energy
{16520}{16683}and provide decent room service.|[laughs]|[applause]
{16683}{16784}Yay!|Look who it is, Mr. Never-grew-up,|Timmy Turner.
{16784}{16875}He's checking us out.|Just like the ladies.|Eww.
{16875}{17022}Yeah. That's right, Timmy T. Looks|like AJ's all grown up and|stylin' in a brand-new argyle
{17022}{17156}sweater.|And me, professional security|expert, fighting crime with my
{17156}{17259}smarty melon and multiple|keys on a retractable wire.
{17259}{17379}[scoffs] He's just jealous.|So, folks, are you ready to tear|down this crummy little
{17568}{17691}park and make way for the future?|[cheering and applause]
{17691}{17858}Whoo!|Timmy's staring at that girl.|Ooh! I'll give him a slushie.
{17858}{17972}See? It worked! Oh, wait.|He's still staring.|[applause]
{17972}{18108}There's nothing wrong with the|old Dimmsdale. And there's|nothing wrong with the Dimmsdale
{18108}{18323}dogwood. ..|Oh!|[grunts]
{18323}{18465}Nice move!|The tree I grew up with and|climbed in this very park.
{18465}{18654}Listen, sister susie saffron,|wheatgrass-gulper, whatever your|tree-hugging name is. You don't
{18654}{18807}want to mess around with Hugh|J. Magnate Jr. So why don't you|just toddl
النتائج (
العربية) 1:
{50}{122}[بيغ باند الموسيقى لعب]{122}{242}[الشخير جميع]{897}{927}هاه؟{927}{985}[جميع نخر]{985}{1055}ولطيف جداً عندما ينام!{1057}{1089}لدينا الملاك الصغير!{1089}{1140}Shh، لا تستيقظ منه!{1140}{1194}عيد ميلاد سعيد، تيمي!{1194}{1247}واندا؟ كوزمو؟ ماذا عنك{1249}{1266}يا رفاق، مجنون؟{1266}{1302}أنت رجل نمت لا تزال{1302}{1338} يرتدي منامه horsey، و{1338}{1386} كنت تسأل إذا نحن مجنون؟{1386}{1437}مجنونة مع الإثارة!{1437}{1503}سعيد عيد ميلاد 23، تيمي{1503}{1559}تيرنر!{1559}{1607}قف! شكرا يا شباب!{1607}{1644}المضي قدما، لوطي. إعطائها إلى{1644}{1661} له.{1661}{1706}[الصئيل]{1709}{1725}شكرا، لوطي!{1725}{1788}لوطي لوطي.{1788}{1815}ولكن يمكنك معرفة ما سيكون حقاً{1816}{1859} الحب الحصول على تلك الكلمات الأولى{1859}{1890} خارجاً. يأتي يوم، الصديق. دعونا نسمع{1890}{1914} لهم. ما هم، لوطي؟ تأتي{1914}{1943} على.{1943}{1965}وأعتقد أنه ذاهب إلى القيام بذلك!{1965}{2007}[الأصوات]{2007}{2079}[التجشؤ]{2079}{2111}حسنا، في المرة القادمة ربما.{2111}{2216}[سكويلس] |فتحه سريعة! من لي! |إذا كنت ترغب في ذلك، وهذا.{2216}{2333}أوه، سيفا؟ |ويحدوني الأمل في أنه يحب! |الانتظار. تقصد-{2333}عيد ميلاد {2469} القراصنة معركة! |قف! |أوه!{2469}{2617}[جميع الصراخ] |ها! |افاست، يي الفستق المالح!{2617}{2752}[الشخير] |[الصراخ] |yikes!{2752}{2799}[الشخير جميع]{2799}{2971}Aah! |بالحق! إلى اليسار! |كل شيء لديك في مربع إلى{2971}{3148} اليسار! |[جميع شخير] |هوو-هوو!{3148}{3313}[قراصنة زمجر] |[جميع النّاخر] |آه!{3313}{3436}خلفك! |[كلا الشخير] |[بانتنغ]{3436}{3543}القليل من المساعدة، الرجال؟ |[سكويكس وهمهمات] |إذا كنت تموت، ويمكن لدى الخاص بك{3543}{3702} الدراجة؟ |أوه! Aah! |[الضحك]{3704}{3780}[همهمات] |لطيفة واحد، تيمي! |[يضحك]{3780}{3865}بو! |[همهمات] |[يزفر]{3865}{3989}كنت خصما جديرا، |تيمي تيرنر. عيد ميلاد سعيد. |شكرا. انظر يا رفاق التالية{3989}{4089}عيد ميلاد. |Arr! |نعم. تبقى بلادي أعياد الميلاد فقط{4089}{4175} يتحسن كل سنة، |thanks لكم رفاق. |[الضحك]{4177}{4299}ونحن لم يكن لديك دائماً أفضل وقت؟ |أنا لا أستطيع أن أقول الوقت.{4299}{4452}تيمي تيرنر. وهذا هو الحزب last|birthday لك و your|fairies سوف يكون معا من أي وقت مضى.{4452}{4566}من جانب الطريق، عيد ميلاد سعيد. |أوه! |قف.{4566}{} 4703 "دا قواعد"؟ |نعم. وانظروا إلى هذا الحق هنا. |الصفحة 1438، الفقرة 3،{4705}{4818}"Fairies|when يكبر-" |not لي...{4818}{4890} "أنه يترك المنزل-" |not لي... |نعم!{4892}{4993} "أو تجارب الحياة' s|true السحر، الحب." |بشكل جيد؟{4993}{5130}مرة أخرى، ليس لي. الفتاة الوحيدة وأنا ever|kissed وكان توتي. أنه was|13 سنوات مضت، أنها اضطرت إلى{5130}{5228}لي، ولا يتمتع بها. |انتبه! |[الصرير]{5228}{5282}أوه. |أوه. |[الضحك]{5282}{5409}على أي حال، انتقلت بعيداً، and|no أحد من أي وقت مضى شهد لها مرة أخرى. So|love؟ ولا حتى قضية.{5409}{5519}صحيح. وفقا love|meter 's تيمي، أنه ليس في الحب. |[الضحك]{5521}{5610}هذه ليست لعبة! |ويعد واصلتم كوزمو، |واندا، ولوطي، الأكثر لك{5610}{5721} وضعها في خطر being|exposed التقاط. |كما قلت، لا مشكلة.{5721}{5883}الاسترخاء. يكون بعض كعكة. |تبقى الكعكة الخاصة بك. حزب Inevitable|fairy-اذهب----وداعا. سأفعل{5883}{6080} البحث عن طريقة. وسوف يجعل لك grow|up. أنا يورجن, الجنيه most|powerful من أي وقت مضى!{6080}{6221}[يضحك] |هل أستطيع الحصول على بعض كعكة؟ |[التغريد]{6221}{6420}عيد ميلاد سعيد، تيمي! |[كلا ضحك] |إعلان نريد؟{6420}{6550}[جاسبس] حقاً؟ أوه! أنهم need|unskilled العمال في مصنع that|new الديناميت. الأصوات{6550}{6749} مثيرة وخطرة! |سريعة، فتح منجم! |[التغريد] استئجار منزل القوائم!{6749}{6863}أوه! |[الضحك] أوه، ننظر هنا! | "الكمال 2 غرف نوم، غريبة عن{6863}{6946} ابتداء من الأسرة أو simply|moving من أصل |house الديك! "{6946}{7028}[على حد سواء الضحك] |وهذا هو نفس الأشياء you|guys حصلت لي العام الماضي.{7028}{7145}[على حد سواء الضحك] |وأنا أعلم أنه يبدو بعيداً جداً good|to يكون صحيحاً، ولكن أنا ابدأ{7145}{7247}ترك يا رفاق، وأنا never|getting على وظيفة، وأنا never|getting متزوج. فقط أحبك{7247}{7415} كلا الطريق كثيرا. الحب، الحب، الحب، الحب، |love. |حسنا، ها! عليك أن تترك،{7415}{7537} لأن أمك، و just|sold البيت. نحن finally|going في عطلة حلم{7537}7661 {} حول العالم. |[كلا ضحك] |حسنا، ماذا يمكن أن أقول؟{7661}{7781}أتمنى لكم حقاً هادن ' t|sold البيت. |هاه؟{7781}{7999}[إطارات لول] |[أزيز] |r عذراً!{7999}{8069}أوه! ||Ot ز [همهمات] الذهاب! الحب يا رفاق "{8069}{8210}الحب مدرسة. لا تفارق. |الحب، الحب، الحب، الحب، الحب! |[ويمبيرس]{8210}{8408}[كلا تبكي] |لماذا لن ابننا يكبر؟ |[تبكي]{8408}{8543}[دينغس الجرس]{8543}{8753}[الشخير]{8753}{8873}كذلك، تبدو منظمة الصحة العالمية هو التحطيم الرعاية my|day-twerp|in أكبر ديمسدالي، تيمي تيرنر.{9032}{9101}يكة. فيكي رديء. |[ضحك] |لا يزال صب عقول الشباب، وأنا{9101}{9185} انظر. |[الشخير] |لا يمكنك أن تهز الخاص بك با بس{9185}{9300} في وجهي. أنها ليست snacktime|till وأقول أنها سناكتيمي. |[الشخير]{9300}{9377}ولا شيء يعزز snacktime|like متعفن، rotten|string الجبن في الخاص بك با-بس،{9377}{9485}هوة، الأطفال؟ |[يضحكون] |[يصرخ]{9485}{9566}وهذا ليس أكثر، تيمي تيرنر! |[مدرسة الجرس]{9566}{9746}[الحديث غيرواضح] |[مدمدم غيرواضح] |هتاف اشمئزاز!{9746}{9866}لغز لي هذا، الفئة. كيف does|a 23 عاماً رجل still|manage البقاء في الخامس{9866}{10009} الصف طوال هذه السنوات؟ |كيف يفعل ذلك؟ كيف is|it حتى ممكن؟ هم؟{10009}{10138}أوه، الصبي. ونحن هنا الذهاب. |نعم! الآن، أتذكر. |وقد قال-{10138}{10199}[الأطفال اللحظات] |رعاة مثيرين ودونوفان جنيه! |حورية رعاة مثيرين ودونوفان!{10199}{10310}رعاة مثيرين ودونوفان جنيه! |أوه. |حسنا، لقد كنت في هذه الفئة{10312}{10400} لمدة 13 عاماً. فكيف لا أحد ' s|ever رأيت هذه الجنيه رعاة مثيرين ودونوفان؟{10400}{10556}أوه، أنها سوف، تيرنر. انظر، أنا كنت المتبقية know|you childlike|in من أجل الحفاظ على الجنيات الخاص بك.{10556}{10706}وسوف العب جنبا إلى جنب مع اللعبة, | 'القضية قريبا، سوف catch|them، وبعد ذلك، سيكون الأول،{10706}{10783}السيد دينزل كروكر، الذين سوف be|making رغبات حول هنا!{10783}{10903}هية. |استمر. تمن. |تجرؤ على لك.{11084}{11249}موافق. |أتمنى لك كان يدير الذري. |[ألانين]{11249}{11396}[chuckles]|I need to use the restroom.|Silent study until I return.{11396}{11519}Enjoy this one, Turner, because|it will be your last.|[flatulence]{11519}{11587}Oh! [groaning]|[laughter]|[flatulence]{11587}{11744}Make way! Coming through!|Silent study? Boring! Who'd|rather play dodgeball?{11744}{11837}Yeah!|[cheering and laughter]{11837}{12086}Hall passes, people! Hall|passes! Ow! Ow! Ow!|Best day ever. Crocker has{12086}{12179}diarrhea. And school is let out early|due to impending tornadoes.{12179}{12284}When it's totally sunny out.|Crazy, huh, mouse?|Crazy? If getting out of{12284}{12381}school early on my birthday and|having more time to be a kid is|crazy, well, then, people, strap{12381}{12468}me in a straightjacket.|Later, Timmy.|See ya.{12468}{12603}[indistinct shout]|I told you I would find a way|to get you to grow up, and I{12603}{12696}finally did. Cupid's love arrows!|A shot from one of these{12696}{12791}puppies, and Timmy will|fall in love with the first|thing he sees. Then, he'll be{12792}{12867}grown up and must give back|the fairies! Ugh!{12867}{12987}You're mine forever. I'll love|you till the end of time.|I love school. Love, love,{13161}{13266}Love, love.|Come back! I love you!|I hate you, Timmy Turner!{13268}{13416}[cell phone rings]|Hey, guys.|We are so proud of you,{13416}{13533}Timmy!|We'll always be together!|You got that right. There is{13533}{13619}nothing in this world I'd ever|give you guys up for.{13619}{13739}Aah!|[all exclaim]|Timmy! Are you ok?{14019}{14106}Yeah.|Good. Then can we do|it again? It was fun!{14108}{14220}Yeah, sure. I just--|As the mayor of Dimmsdale,|it is my honor to present{14220}{14370}The president and CEO of Magnate|and Power, Mr. Hugh J. Magnate Jr.!{14372}{14484}[cheering and applause]|Thank you.|[indistinct talking]{14484}{14651}Thank you, your honor. That's|quite a handsome goat you got|there. [laughs]{14651}{14771}[orchestral music playing]|Thank you. Ladies and gentlemen,|ever since daddy{14771}{14940}slapped a shovel in my little hand,|I have been looking for|fuel to run our everyday lives.{14940}{15119}And so, when my high-tech|thermal satellites detected|a massive, untapped combustible{15120}{15363}resource field under the city,|I decided to come here to|Dummsdale and... see for myself.{15363}{15453}[laughs]|Dimmsdale.|What?{15453}{15600}Dimmsdale.|Well, whatever. Dim, Dum.|What difference does it make? By{15600}{15681}the time I'm done with this place,|you're going to want to|change the name to Stinking{15681}{15845}Richdale. [laughs]|[cheering and applause]|Timmy! What are we doing?{15845}{15965}[applause continues]|Thank you. Thank you. Please.|May I present...The Magnate{16161}{16328}Power Oil Well Hotel, to be|built on the site of this|grotty, stinky, yucky, pokey{16328}{16520}little park. It will produce 1,000|jigabots of filthy, yet|reasonably affordable, energy{16520}{16683}and provide decent room service.|[laughs]|[applause]{16683}{16784}Yay!|Look who it is, Mr. Never-grew-up,|Timmy Turner.{16784}{16875}He's checking us out.|Just like the ladies.|Eww.{16875}{17022}Yeah. That's right, Timmy T. Looks|like AJ's all grown up and|stylin' in a brand-new argyle{17022}{17156}sweater.|And me, professional security|expert, fighting crime with my{17156}{17259}smarty melon and multiple|keys on a retractable wire.{17259}{17379}[scoffs] He's just jealous.|So, folks, are you ready to tear|down this crummy little{17568}{17691}park and make way for the future?|[cheering and applause]{17691}{17858}Whoo!|Timmy's staring at that girl.|Ooh! I'll give him a slushie.{17858}{17972}See? It worked! Oh, wait.|He's still staring.|[applause]{17972}{18108}There's nothing wrong with the|old Dimmsdale. And there's|nothing wrong with the Dimmsdale{18108}{18323}dogwood. ..|Oh!|[grunts]{18323}{18465}Nice move!|The tree I grew up with and|climbed in this very park.{18465}{18654}Listen, sister susie saffron,|wheatgrass-gulper, whatever your|tree-hugging name is. You don't{18654}{18807}want to mess around with Hugh|J. Magnate Jr. So why don't you|just toddl
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