Akbar do recommeded monogamy it is given in Ain i akbari as sayings o Akbar.Pls go through it.None of Akbars chronicles describes about his wives power.Ihad read Akbarnama, Badonis book,Tabit i akbari and other jesiuts books.Pls tell me which of Akbars chronicle describes about his wives power.Abul azl says that salims mother was given the title Mariam zamani but there is no mentioning about her after that.Raha Bhirmals daughter is not mentioned as mariam zamani.Badoni mentions about Salima as a wife for whom his promotion was cut down when Salimas book was missing.Jhangir is the one who writes about Akbars wives,he mentions ruqaya as akbars first wife and shows respect to both ruqaya and)