Dear System One Co.,
With reference to your e-mail dated on September 21st 2016, in respect to the application of Value Added Tax issued by Law No. 67 of 2016, starting from September invoices, kindly be informed that
Since, IEOC practices its activities in ARE, based on the Concession Agreements signed with Government of ARE and the Egyptian General Petroleum Corporation or Egyptian General Gas Corporation
Knowing that such Concession Agreements promulgated by official laws from the Egyptian parliament, which interpreted subject to the legal point of view as ( private law ) .
Whereas, the Value Added Tax is a public law, whilst Concession Agreements is a private laws, and in application to the legal rule of procedure that states “ private law restricted and prevail on public law “
Therefore, IEOC is exempted from applying or to be subject to a public law as Value Added Tax law .
And, the affirmative proof by legal provisions evidence due to the Value Added Tax , and the provisions of Concession Agreements model to the above-mentioned is the following :